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Thomas snorted reluctantly over the pile of papers scattered on his desk. He leaned back in his chair with his hands under his head and lost in his thoughts, pursed his lips slightly. He's stuck.

He spent the whole morning digging through all the papers that had even Sebastian's name written on them in order to find something useful. Unfortunately, nothing but the already known information was in sight.

He moved impatiently in his chair again, and stood up. He went to the archives to find a stray document that would make this investigation less painful than it is at the moment.

Just as he began rummaging through the folders like a hamster, he heard the voice of his colleague.

''Calligan, take a break. You're going to burn out, '' he heard giggles behind him. Thomas straightened up and smiled instantly.

"Well, if you'd help me a little more often, Esposito, I might not have to."

Mateo Esposito was Thomas' longtime colleague and friend. They were at the police academy together and at first, they couldn't stand each other at all. At one point, it was even questionable whether they would pounce on each other like angry bulls. But, suddenly, for reasons unknown to Thomas, they began to get along and enjoy each other's company. As the saying goes, the rest is history. Since then, they have been inseparable and Mateo has become to Thomas like a brother who sometimes annoyed him a little less than his older brother.

"Are you saying I'm not doing my job well?"

"You're slacking off."

"You hurt my feelings," he jokingly held his fist to his chest. "Are you still working on the Carter case?"

"Kind of," he sighed. "I feel like I've been tapping in one place for months. I'm trying to go through all the evidence and information gathered once again so that I might come across some oversight, but I'm afraid there's nothing to it. "

"Do you have a theory?"

"You could say that."

Esposito stammered and ran his tongue over the inside of his cheek. He was thinking of something.

Esposito was a dark-skinned, muscular man of average height and Italian descent. He was a handsome man with an exceptional sense of humor and had been married to his high school sweetheart for seven years. In addition to all that, he was an extremely good partner and friend. Thomas sometimes wondered if he would have achieved so many things in his life if he did not have his support.

"And did you look at the file on my desk?"

Thomas stared at him for a few moments.

"There is a file related to Sebastian's case on your desk?"

"Well, yes," he said shortly. "I was gathering information about his past. About his foster family, to be more precise. "

"Jesus," Thomas muttered into his chin, covering his face with his fists. ''I am such an idiot. Why is it still on your desk?" Esposito shrugged.

"You didn't ask for it."

"I'll kill you, Mateo," he told him in a serious expression and in a less serious tone. He could never be angry with him for long. "How could I look for something when I didn't know you had it?"

''I'm sorry. It probably slips my mind while we were trying to find those smugglers who attacked us during the arrest. "

Thomas put his hands on his hips and sighed loudly. "It doesn't matter, forget it. Just give me the damn file. "

Silent Boy [ENGLISH]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن