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Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a silhouette moving in the folds of her clothes. Felix cheerfully peeked out from under the dark blue cotton T-shirt and started playing with the straps of one of here dresses. Scarlett burst out laughing and scratched him behind the ear. He purred contentedly.

She glanced at her closet again and sighed desperately. Here, she is overtaken by a problem that catches up with every woman once. There is nothing to wear. Of course, there is, but she does not know what to wear for this occasion. Is it a business dinner? On the other hand, did he invite me on a date? No, Scarlett, do not be stupid, he certainly will not talk about Sebastian's biological parents between courting and cuddling your hand. It is a business dinner!

She wondered why she cared at all what a dinner invitation was. She swore she would not allow herself such things, especially not at work. However, life always seems to have a way of throwing at you what you said like a boomerang. She finally decided to take a simple black tight dress that reached to her knees and a beige coat over it.

At exactly eight o'clock, a black Chevrolet with Detective Calligan behind the wheel was parked in front of the building. Accurate as a clock. She saw him leaning against his car with his arms crossed. He was dressed in black pants, a simple navy sweater and a black leather jacket. How many navy blue things does he actually have?

When Thomas saw her, his lips parted and his eyes widened like a child seeing the most beautiful candy in a pastry shop window. Although he tried to check her out discreetly, a stunned face betrayed him. He held out his hand to her with a smile and opened the car door.

"You look beautiful, Scarlett," he said in the wind as he closed the door of his Chevrolet. She was grateful that it was pitch dark and that he couldn't see the redness rushing to her cheeks. She does not remember the last time a man gave her a compliment. She knew that a good part of men looked at her lustfully, she was not blind. However, a flattering compliment from a man who attracts your attention is invaluable and cannot be measured even with a thousand insignificant looks.

They drove in silence, which was complemented by muffled jazz music from the radio. She tried to persuade herself not to think about the man next to her in any context other than business. That would be wrong. She decided to end the silence between them because her thoughts were swarming more and more every minute and that was not a good thing on any basis.

"Do you like jazz?" She asked him, following his gaze. He nodded, focused on the road.

"Why, I don't seem like a guy who would voluntarily play a jazz radio station?"

"Not at all," they both burst out laughing. ''It's nice.''

''It relaxes me. After a hard and stressful day, very few things can stop me from getting depressed or taking my own life. "

"Very dark thoughts occupy your life, Detective."

"Believe me; if you saw the things I see every day, you would feel the same. Maybe even worse. "

For a moment, images of the mutilated victims of Sebastian Carter flashed through her head. She shuddered imperceptibly and swallowed a lump. She had nothing but compassion for this man who may have seen even worse things than those heinous crimes committed by Sebastian Carter.

They parked in front of the luxury restaurant Riviera and Scarlet wondered if the location might not be a little too glamorous and intimate to talk about the serial killer case. He went out to open the door for her and praised his courteous attitude in her head. Of course, everyone is great and fabulous at the beginning - and this was not such a meeting either, so it is not hers to even think about it. They entered the restaurant and within seconds, the head of the restaurant directed them to their table.

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