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Her body went numb from fatigue and insomnia, and she barely got out of bed to get ready for another conversation with Sebastian. It was strange to her how it was the only job and distraction she had all week. She would usually work with a few more patients, but Dr. Wilson was willing to accept all of her patients in order to be one hundred percent focused on Sebastian's case. At least that's what he said.

She remembered their last conversation and felt her stomach tie in a knot. She couldn't understand why Wilson was so burdened by what she was going to say to Sebastian. She is no longer a little girl; she knows how to protect herself. She has learned to do that as a professional in the last few years. It is not something she should brag about or be proud of, but she realized very early on that life is very often not fair and that she should come to terms with it.

As she checked for the last time if she packed everything she need before leaving, she heard a soft knock on the door. It sounded like someone was hesitating. Scarlett wondered who could visit her so early, especially since she hadn't been close to almost anyone and hadn't had visitors for so long that she didn't even remember the last time someone was there. Of course, besides Detective Calligan from a few nights ago. On that thought, color rushed to her cheeks again.

She walked lightly to the door and opened it. Her face hardened and her eyes lit up. Her body stiffened so much that she felt as if she had fallen into living mud and it was slowly swallowing her into despair. It was the last person on this planet she wanted to see. Luke.

His eyes were red as if he hadn't slept for days, his body limp, and his face white as a rag. He shifted his weight from one leg to the other. It was obvious that he was not happy to be in front of her – and as far as she was concerned, she was even less so. His light hair was ruffled by the wind, but he still looked somehow fresher than the last time she had seen him. When was that again? She tried to remember. He was as thin as a stalk, with a sick look and trembling hands. He came to ask her for money – damn money. Now, even though he was pale, he looked fresher, he was freshly shaved and his face didn't look so sick. She concluded that the reason for that color was that she came face to face with him. He also gained a few kilos, so his clothes didn't visibly hang on him and she could notice again how attractive he used to be.

His green eyes were identical to hers, but the former glow that adorned both of them disappeared long ago; it was buried with people they both loved. Bitterness and pain filled her eyes with tears, but she did not want to cry. She swallowed them leaving only her pride in front of her.

"Hello, sis," he finally said. His voice now sounded to her like the creak of chalk on a blackboard, even though it used to be the most beautiful song of a songbird.

"What are you doing here?" She asked impudently. He lowered his gaze, putting his hands in his pockets. "Did you come again to ask me for money?"

"Of course not, Scar," he sighed. "I'm done with that."

''Oh, really? Like the last thousand times? "

He sighed again as if there was a weight of an entire elephant over his chest. His eyes were watery. He licked his lips and brushed his lower lip with the tip of his tooth.

"Scar, don't say that."

"Don't call me that. You lost the right to do that when you ruined my life. "

"Scarlett, please," he followed. "I want to fix things."

"Wasn't I clear last time?" She paused and turned on her heels. He was a head taller than she was. She forgot how hard it was to look him in the eyes. "I don't want you to fix anything. I don't want to see you, understand? You ruined my life, Luke. You destroyed me. You ruined the only good thing I ever had in my life. I'm tired of drowning with you and getting you out of trouble with the promise that you'll get better. You've been lost for a long time, Luke. And I don't want to look for the real you anymore. "

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