Author's Note

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I really can't describe how happy I am that you have read it in such numbers and supported me so much. You have no idea how much you gave me hope and desire to finish this and do it right.

I really enjoyed writing each chapter and I loved discussing possible theories and characters with everyone.

At the beginning, I had a completely different idea of ​​how to write this story, and I didn't even think that the plot was going in this direction. Certainly, I am glad that I went in this direction. I'm really pleased with how the story turned out and I think different ending it wouldn't be that good.

I know that many people are sorry that Scarlet did not end up with Sebastian in the end, but after a long deliberation, I made the decision that it was not a good idea. I think that they needed each other to overcome the "spirits of the past" and become a better version of themselves, but that they had more of that friendly and platonic relationship than romantic one. I think they recognized each other's pain, but that the wounds of one would have pulled other one to the bottom if they had gone in a romantic sense. Also, we cannot forget that Sebastian is both toxic and not mentally completely healthy in order to have any relationship at the moment.

I hope that you are not disappointed with the story, that you are satisfied, and I will do my best to start a new one as soon as possible.


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