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She stood in front of the door of her apartment for a long time, staring blankly. It seemed that, no matter how hard she tried, her brain could not or did not want to digest the things she had heard from George Wilson a few moments earlier.

I didn't know how to tell you that, Scarlett. I was afraid you would turn down the case. It is very important to me that you be on it because I trust you. I know you can do it. Are you mad at me?

Mad - mad was a small word for how she really felt. A fire was burning in her chest that nothing could put it out. She felt betrayed, sold out. How could he do that? Why didn't he tell her right away? It wasn't a scratch on an expensive floor that you can cover with carpet and pretend the floor is at its best. Human relationships don't work that way. He's a psychiatrist for God's sake; he should know that better than anyone should.

She heard the meow of her shorthaired roommate, and realized that it might be best to enter the apartment. Maybe she will attract the curious glances of her neighbors, and she didn't want to be the main topic in the hallways in the coming days, so she ran into the apartment. Felix brushed her legs in greeting and led her to the kitchen, alerting her that he was hungry. At that thought, she realized that she herself was hungry because she had not eaten anything for a long time. She poured the food into a metal bowl and set it down on the floor. Felix started to chew gratefully. That made her smile. She pulled out the leftovers from dinner the night before - Bolognese. As soon as she put the first bite in her mouth, she felt electricity permeate her entire body.

When she finished eating and washed the dishes, she went to her laptop and decided to investigate Valentine Stein's death a little better. She came across a few articles, but they didn't help her much. They revealed almost nothing, and she was a little disappointed. It was written in all the articles that his son found him in the apartment hanged on his precious chandelier. So much money spent on the thing that you will take your own life with, how appropriate. They did not find suicide note, so the reason for his death remained unknown. Unfortunately, Dr. Stein took the secret with him to the grave. As she circled the cursor over the useless articles, she realized one thing. She will have to ask the person who last talked to Dr. Stein before his tragic decision to take his own life. She needs to talk to Sebastian Carter.

The very thought of Sebastian made her shudder. She didn't like him watching her like a predator waiting for her to take the wrong step and take advantage of the whole situation. However, despite that, something in her trembled with excitement. She did not want to accept or allow herself to fall under his influence because she knows that it will not end well. Psychopaths are manipulators and they know how to seduce whoever they want. That is why people often fall in love with them. They affect the opposite sex like poison - first intoxicatingly, slowly, until it completely enters your bloodstream, and then they kill you.

Scarlett was always fascinated by how the brains of such people work - monsters, more rather. She wanted to figure it out, but she knew it would take a very long and arduous journey to fulfill her goal. She may even have to sacrifice herself like a scapegoat in order to succeed.

She jumped out of her own skin when her phone rang, driving her out of the depths of her twisted thoughts. She picked up the phone lying next to the laptop and looked at the caller's name. Luke.

She thought how that name used to be her favorite word, now it was something that represented the worst period of her life. Something she wanted to leave by the roadside in the middle of nowhere and never come back for it again. She wanted him out, but he kept trying to get in. He tried to get into her life and ruin the little reason she had left.

She tossed the phone on the wooden table and got up from her chair, leaving it ringing so sadly and muffled in the distance for a long time.

Silent Boy [ENGLISH]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang