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"Are you really just going to stand there and stare at me?" Sebastian asked, visibly irritated. So many things went through her mind that she didn't know what the best thing to do was: obey and leave him alone or stay by his side. Of course, she chose the second option. Damn it, she never listened to others. She believed that eventually it would come back at her.

Scarlett's chest heaved and she exhaled loudly. She approached him and sat down next to him on the bed. She thought about how uncomfortable the bed was and wondered how anyone could sleep on it without constant back pain. It would be more comfortable to sleep on nails than this.

Sebastian stared at her as she did so, then rolled his eyes in a way that made Scarlett think he'd be looking at the inside of his head forever. He rubbed his eyes with his fingers, and then stopped them on his temples. He closed his eyes and sighed. "What are you doing, Scarlett?" He asked her. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Believe it or not, I've been asked that a lot in the last few days."

"If you make such stupid decisions on a daily basis, I understand why."

"You think I'm wrong? That I want to stay with you?"

She had never been this close to him. So close that she could hear his heartbeat in this glass isolation. His lips parted slightly, and his blue eyes watched her suspiciously, analyzing her. She knew he doubted her intentions, but she had to gain his trust completely. She was sure that much more could be said than what had been said.

''I'm a killer, Scarlett. You remember? I killed girls like you. Why do you think it's smart to sit alone in the same room with me?"

I killed girls like you. Scarlett's skin shuddered at the words, and her heart skipped a beat. He knew exactly how to say the words that leave the greatest impression on a person in cold blood. Maybe he's smarter than I thought, she thought to herself. He knows how to provoke the reaction he wants in everyone. However, he won't be able to play with her - she will not let him.

"Because I want to help you, Sebastian."

"Help me?" He chuckled like a hyena. "There's no help for me, Scarlett. I don't know what words your smart head cannot understand. I don't want your help. "

"Why did you want to kill yourself? Why now?"

He looked away from her face and licked his lower lip, all the while looking at something vague in the distance.

"Do you really think it's the first time I've tried to do that?" He said coldly, and again with so much pain in his voice. ''Many times. Many ways."

"What stopped you?"

"Stopped me?" He sneered. "A web of unfortunate circumstances."

"I do not understand.''

"Trust me, Scarlett," he turned to her and met his eyes with hers. "The less you understand, the safer you are."

There was something in his words and voice that was not there before. It didn't sound like a threat, although it was supposed to look like that. It sounded like a warning to her. If she wants to live and not be in trouble, she should not stick her nose where it does not belong. But who could hurt her? He certainly can't. At least she did not believe he would harm her – although it was not wise to trust the killers and diagnosed psychopaths.

The problem was that she no longer believed that he was really a psychopath. Too many things he did and said deviated from that diagnosis. Is he really so capable and intelligent that he deceives her? To calculate and show every emotion he wanted? That sounded impossible even to a person like him.

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