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After several hours of wandering aimlessly around the city, too much coffee and staring in vain at Sebastian's file, he found himself at Scarlett's door. He could hear footsteps and commotion behind the door after he knocked. The door opened and his tired gaze met Scarlett's emerald eyes. Her face was clean, without any makeup, and her hair was tied in a high ponytail. Thomas thought how beautiful she really was.

"Hey," she said in surprise. ''I wasn't expecting you. Did something happen?"

He hesitated, and then exhaled loudly. "Well, you could say that."

She immediately let him in and closed the door behind him. As soon as he felt his presence, Felix ran out of the bedroom and greeted him with a loud meow, caressing his legs. "Hello, buddy," he scratched his neck.

''Would you like some coffee?''

"I think my heart will explode if I drink another one," he settled on the couch with a yellow-haired friend in his arms. Now, he put the hated folder with Sebastian's case on the table.

Scarlett mumbled something from the hallway, and then sat down next to him on the couch. Her gaze was worried.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked him.

"I think I'll definitely have to tell you," he scratched his head nervously, and then sighed once more. "I was taken off the case."

"Excuse me?!" Scarlett recoiled in surprise, waiting for an answer with her eyes burning and her lips parted. ''Why?''

Thomas bit his lip and looked around the room, which he began to remember almost by heart. ''It's complicated.''

"Is it ... because of me?"

"No, of course it's not because of you," he shook his head, hoping to calm her down. "How would you have anything to do with it?"

"Thomas, I'm the reason you started acting in a way that didn't suit anyone - especially not your superiors."

"That's not true," he hugged her hand, which was smooth as rose petals. "I act like that because we have the same feeling."

She was silent for a few moments with her head bowed. It was obvious that she didn't really believe him and that she felt guilty because of the new problem.

"Scarlett, listen to me," he put his index finger on Scarlett's chin and lifted her head to look into her teary eyes. "This really has nothing to do with you. The captain is not satisfied with my work because it takes me a long time to close the case. Of course, he disagrees with my view that it takes much longer to break Sebastian's shell than a mere game of good and bad cop. "

He noticed that her lower lip was trembling.

"Is that really true?"


"Okay," she sighed. "Then what do we do now?"

When she asked, Thomas's gaze shifted from her lips to the wooden table in front of them. There lay a yellow file that Scarlett didn't know anything about.

"Well, I think I'm going to have to be something I've never been - a secret agent," he said, a little too excitedly.

"I'd say it's your dream job," Scarlett giggled. "How do you plan to do that?"

''Maybe. Unfortunately, I don't think captain would like that idea. He barely copes with me like this. "

Scarlett laughed again, and Thomas used that as a moment to hand her the infamous file. Her smile faded and was replaced by a slight puck of her lips and confusion on her face.

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