Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.29

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Zheng Yong sat on his bed eagerly waiting for Tang Ying Jie to finish up inside he acts casual when he enters the room Cheng Bi Yu walks over to the bed,  "..Could I borrow a blanket and pillow?-"

Zheng Yong clears his throat, "What for?-"

"..I'll feel more comfortable with them over on the couch-" Cheng Bi Yu explains gesturing to the firm benched couch.

Zheng Yong exclaims, "..Sleeping on that couch you'll be uncomfortable it would be more convenient if you sleep here next to me-" he emphasized those last lines.

Cheng Bi Yu faintly smiles taking up the pillow and blanket, "I'll manage-" she walks towards the couch she lays down using the blanket she wraps herself up like a caterpillar, "..Will you be okay? I insist you sleep with me-"

Cheng Bi Yu eyes him weirdly he shook his head rephrasing his words, "..I mean sleep beside me on this big comfortable bed,"

Cheng Bi Yu subtly rejects, "..I'm a man after all I think I can handle sleeping on a couch for one night-" she turns her back to him.




"Goodnight-" Zheng Yong grumbles laying on his side.

"..I guess it's just you and me tonight buddy-" Deng Wu exclaims plopping  himself down on Zhou Tong's bed.

"I'm not your buddy-" Zhou Tong agitate retorts undressing Deng Wu looks around the room, "..What a shabby place you have here!-"

"..It looks grander than I'd imagine mine to ever be," he gets off the bed moving to a shelf, "And all these things they're so cool buddy-" his fingers glands over Zhou Tong's weaponry.

Zhou Tong rolls his eyes and holds back the urge to kick this man, "..Hey pretty boy-" Zhou Tong then tosses him some clothes "..Try this on for size-"

"I don't want to hear a peep from you tonight-" Zhou Tong exclaims,"..You got it tarzan not a peep-" Deng Wu dashes off to change. Zhou Tong loudly exhaled, "What an annoying guy!—"

Zheng Yong shifted his position so he was in clear view of his Advisor it
annoyed him that he laid there far away from him to the point he found it hard to sleep no matter how many times he switched his positions to become more comfortable.

Having enough he flips off the covers and walks over to the couch Tang Ying Jie's head poked out while his entire body was engulfed by the blanket Zheng Yong scoops him up in his arms.

Feeling a sudden movement Cheng Bi Yu eyes slowly flatter open, "What are you doing!-" she was beyond startled she struggled a little in his hold. Zheng Yong holds her tighter, "Stay still or you'll make us both fall you fool. You're heavy enough as it is-" he leads her to the bed, "..What do you want to do?-" Cheng Bi Yu questions hugging herself.

Zheng Yong parts his lips "Sleep here with me-"

"But..." Cheng Bi Yu hugged herself tighter.

"What scared?!-" Zheng Yong croaked his brows his expression playful.

"Pfft! As if-" Cheng Bi Yu straightens herself, "Scared? We're both men what's there to be scared of?-" Zheng Yong leaned in Cheng Bi Yu instinctively recoil his eyes ventured to her lips.

Composing himself Zheng Yong lifts dressing back,"Okay then, Sweet dreams~"

Cheng Bi Yu turns her back to him
as she snuggles into her blanket Zheng Yong smiles drifting off satisfied.

While sleeping Deng Wu feels a hole  beside him he pries his eyes open despite his extreme tiredness Deng Wu sits up his vision blurry he rubs his eyes turning beside him Zhou Tong seemed to be having a nightmare he was practically drenched in sweat and he kept shaking. Deng Wu nudges him in hopes he'd wake up, "Hey tough guy!-" when that didn't work he shook his arm harder, "Tough guy!-" at this point Zhou Tong began to trash violently.

Transmigration:  Face slap the white lotusTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang