Coffee to go - 3.3

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When they exited the grocery store Priyanka suggested they go to the ice cream store "..I can't believe I made you talk me into this. I'm literally ruining my breakfast without even eating it yet-"

Priyanka grins, "Come on baby I bought your favourite-" she scoops up the cookies n' cream on her spoon going in to spoon feed Cheng Bi Yu snatched the spoon from her hand. Cheng Bi Yu could feel curious gazes on her and Priyanka.

"...If you don't stop acting like this people will start thinking we're a couple-" Cheng Bi Yu exclaimed though she went through many experience during her transmigration she still wasn't use to that many eyes.

Priyanka leaned forward with a mischievous glint in her brown eyes, "So what! When did I care what people think if they think we're a couple then let them. We can be a pair of lesbos together my peanut.." she pitched Cheng Bi Yu cheeks.

Cheng Bi Yu fanned off her hands, "..Stop that!.." Priyanka sat back a big goofy smile on her lips, "..I can't help it! You're just too cute for your own good Em.."

Cheng Bi Yu spoke,"...I don't think Teddy will be down with his girlfriend becoming a lesbian-" she jabbed at Priyanka.

Her gapping smile plundered, "..That doesn't matter right now anyways we had a fight-" the leaned back Priyanka opens up.

"...What! I thought you had him wrapped around your fingers-" Cheng Bi Yu says sarcastically but was shocked to hear the news.

Priyanka sighed stating, "...You remember the time I told you I fled from an arranged marriage?-"

"Un." Cheng Bi Yu nods setting aside her ice cream.

Priyanka let out a frustrated sigh biting down on her bottom lip, "Well my parents are at it again trying to set me up with someone..." she paused, "..Teddy found out I hadn't made our relationship known to my parents. So he thinks I'm ashamed of him, of us."

Her eyes dart outside the window, "..He got mad and left the apartment last night.." her fingers kept rubbing the ring on her finger, "..He isn't answering any of my calls,"

Cheng Bi Yu outstretched her hand placing it a top Priyanka's she gave it a gentle squeeze, "..Don't worry I'm sure Teddy will come around once you explain it well to him," Priyanka's eyes were slightly misted.

Priyanka phone rings, "..Sorry. Just let me get this..." she pulled back her hand reaching into her purse. She fished out her phone her eyes widened staring at the screen, "It's  T-teddy..." her fingers trembled.

Priyanka swapped the screen, "..Hello-" her calm voice sounded through the phone.

After their one minute conversation she puts down the phone. Priyanka beamed,"..He says he misses me and wants to talk-" Priyanka exclaimed  excited.

Cheng Bi Yu grinned, "..I told you there was nothing to worry about he'd surely come around..." she playfully cocked her brow, "..As cheesy as it may sound you're the peanut butter to his jelly sandwich-"

Priyanka laughs, "You're right that does sound cheesy please never say that again..." glancing at the time she tossed her phone back in her purse.

"..Let's get back to my apartment. I'll make us both something to eat and we can just leave for work together-" Priyanka suggested her apartment was a second home for Emerson anyways and was much closer to work.

"...Okay-" Cheng Bi Yu agreed. The two stood up with their grocery bags grabbing their unfinished ice cream they left.


"I'm gonna take out the trash-" Cheng  Bi Yu informs heading out with two large garbage bags she throws them in the bin around back.

"..Well look who we have here-" standing in the distance was Nick's ex-girlfriend and Emerson regular harasser—Nathalie.

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