Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.37

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Waking up the next morning Wei Fai was astonished to see Magistrate Ping Gong Li and two unknown strangers  staring in her direction the expression of shock and disgust written all over their faces.

Observing her surroundings the nightmare she thought was just that; a nightmare was actual reality finding the sound asleep bare chested Yu Zheng-Wei laying next to her the images came back in flashes she grabbed the blanket securely wrapping it around her saving the shard of dignity she had left.

"Shameless!-" Magistrate Ping roars knee horn angry.

Wei Fai lifts off the bed her fist tightly gripping the blanket around her body her steps wobbly as her legs were jello, "Uncle you must believe me! He raped me this man violated my body-" Wei Fai exclaims pleading her innocence and for justice.

"Shameless girl!-" Wei Fai was roughly slapped across her right cheek causing a bruise to her bottom lip, "How dare you accuse my son?! You slut!-" Madam Yu was furious to the point of strangling the girl after all how could a lowly girl accuse her son; a Young Master of a prestigious family.

"What's all the ruckus?-" Yu Zheng-Wei slowly rose from bed holding his head distraught by the agitative headache. All eyes focused on him, Yu Zheng-Wei jumps up frighteningly shocked to see his parents, "Mother? Father?!-" he examines the situation eerily lifting the sheet he gulps after he made the discovery that he was completely nude.

Wei Fai turns back to Magistrate Ping, "Uncle please believe! He hurt me real bad!-" Wei Fai gestures to the clear bruises on her arm, "..He should take responsibility-"

"You shameless whore! You want to trap my son!-" with icily murderous eyes Madam Yu lunged forward but was restrained by her husband Magistrate Ping had also stood before Wei Fai protectively, "Wei Fai is right!-" Magistrate Ping defended.

"What?!-" Madam Yu exclaims shocked her gaze fiercely watchful of the recoiled Wei Fai.

"You heard me-" Magistrate Ping points out "..Your son is clearly in the wrong here look at her body there's evidence that he had his way with her-" he grilled, "This is his secret base he had clearly taken her here with this intention in mind so no matter how prestigious he is, he has committed a crime. He'll be imprisoned according to our laws,"

"Wait! What? Imprisoned?-" Madam Yu became anxious bland impartial gaze scattered  if a scandal like this got out it would be the downfall of their Yu clans prestige.

Magistrate Ping cleverly adds, "But there's a way to fix things-" he hints.

"What is it! Tell us!-" Both Lord Yu and Madam Yu's ears quirked curious of his solution.

"Your son and my niece should wed immediately her innocence has been taken away by your son so this marriage will be an apology. Do you agree?-" Magistrate Ping finished off.

Without hesitation Lord and Madam Yu both decided their reputation was most important, "We agree they should wed immediately, tomorrow in fact-"

Magistrate Ping lips creased, "I like your thinking then it's settled they'll wed tomorrow in a small ceremony,"

"Yu Zheng-Wei come along we have a lot to prepare for-" the Yu family left departs leaving only three of them behind until Gong Li excused himself
going outside to take a leak.

"Uncle I don't want to marry that man! I don't want to marry him! Please cancel this alliance!-" Magistrate Ping ignored her pleas Wei Fai in desperation tugged at his robe bawling her eyes out her voice hoarse, "Cancel this alliance or I'll kill myself!-" she threatened.

Magistrate Ping darkly laughs looking down at her, "You want to kill yourself then go ahead kill yourself! After everything that's happened you think you can run back to Zheng Yong? Do you think any man would want to marry a defiled woman?!-"

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