Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.32

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After chasing Mei-Liang for sometime  Cheng Bi Yu had caught up to the obviously distraught youth, "..Mei-Liang listen to me it's not what you think-" Mei-Liang paused dabbing her tears, "My lady don't stress yourself
with meaningless matters like this I'll cope-"

Cheng Bi Yu disturbed approached grabbing her arm she forcibly span her around studying her dejected expression,"...Stop bullshitting me! I know you're not fine. The man you love has confessed his feelings to another there's no way you would be fine with that!-" Mei-Liang averts her gaze, "..Believe me if I'd know something like this would happen I wouldn't reveal identity-"

Cheng Bi Yu lightly squeezed tugging her arm, "..I know you're mad. Do one thing scream at me, hit me! Hate me!-" she grasped her hand bringing it to cheek, "Just don't pretend you're okay-"

Mei-Liang peered ahead fastly removing her hand, "What are you saying?! How could I ever hate you?-" she grasps her palm her tender expression speaking volumes, "..Miss has been nothing but generous and sincere-" by this time they were both seated on a wooden bench with Cheng Bi Yu's head rested in her lap
Mei-Liang tenderly massaged her scalp.

"I'll do one thing-" Cheng Bi Yu abruptly stood to her feet gaining Mei-Liang's attention, "I'll go find him right now and set everything straight between us," She exclaimed, "..I can't accept. I won't accept his confession and that's final,"

"Wait!-" Mei-Liang swiftly grabbed her wrist, "Don't-" she plead, "..He'd be crushed-" she exclaims, "Zhou Tong is in love you you're the one he chose to keep dear in his heart not me,"

Cheng Bi Yu exclaims perplexed, "But can you be okay with this? Can you watch the man you love with another?-"

Mei-Liang professed, "His happiness is my happiness," Cheng Bi Yu reluctant sat back down letting her continue, "And if he chooses you as his happiness then I will accept," she momentarily clasps Cheng Bi Yu's hands eagerly gazing, "Accept his confession for my sake I'll be forever indebted to you my lady. Make him happy!-"

Cheng Bi Yu jumps back utterly shocked, ".. What are you saying? Have you gone bonkers! How could I? Why would I? No I can't-" she looks on baffled, "Mei-Liang think carefully what you're saying." She exhales, "..You're obviously not thinking clear headed-"

Cheng Bi Yu was at her wits end,
"What about your happiness?-" she pressed, "Do you think I'll truly be happy with Zhou Tong? Think about yourself will you be able to live without him? Have you truly thought about this carefully?-" she puffed her chest, "..Do you know what you're asking me to do?!-" she turned her back.

Mei-Liang stands stepping over, "..I know that I'm asking Miss for a great sacrifice that even in two lifetimes I'd not be able to pay back your kindness-" she trails a faint smile plays on her lips, "..I've thought carefully and give you my full support. Please take care of Zhou Tong-"

Cheng Bi Yu stiffened Mei-Liang exhaled, " I hope you can forgive me for my selfishness. If you'd excuse me I'll go round up some firewood," she walks off discomfort in her chest.

"What is happening today?!-" Cheng Bi Yu frustratedly exclaimed massaging her creased forehead, "Everyone's gone completely nuts!-" at the corner of her eyes she noticed the basket.

Approaching she sat untying the red cloth she opens the lid sticking her hand in then sticks the sticky cinnamon roll into her mouth the supposedly sweet tasty pastries tasted sour and salty, "..Nuts they've all gone nuts-" she closed the basket exhaling, "I'm sorry Mama Zhang it seems I won't finish these after all-"

Cheng Bi Yu visits Zheng Yong, "..Magistrate are you in here?-" she peered pulling away the curtains she was instantly tacked her back pushed roughly against the wall, "Oi!-" she yelps pained at the sudden impact.

Transmigration:  Face slap the white lotusNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ