Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.30

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"I guess I win again-" the Emperor laughs victorious.

"I guess you do win again," Magistrate Ping rolls up his sleeve.

"We've been playing so long. You were good at this once when did your skills become so rusty?-" the Emperor pokes fun, "Old man-"

Magistrate Ping laughs, then praises him, "His Majesty's skills are unparalleled,"

"How many times that I've told you when we're alone call me by my name Ping Chai. We are not master and servant we are childhood friends, or do you not view me as your friend?" The Emperor's go lucky demeanor changes to gloomy.

"Don't be ridiculous of course I do Zheng Rui Yon," Magistrate Ping immediately responded.

"Forget about that let's play another round and this time I'll go easy on you-" The Emperor prepares for another match of Go.

"Of course," The Emperor decides to let Magistrate Ping place the first stone to begin the match.

"Rui Yon how much do you actually know about Zheng Yong's progression on the case and about his Advisor?-" Magistrate Ping asks as the Emperor made his move.

"About the case I know a ample amount but let's not get too into that.  About Zheng Yong's Advisor, he has handpicked him himself and I very well trust his judgement," The Emperor proclaims then gestures to Magistrate Ping, "I believe it's your turn,"

"Oh yes," Magistrate Ping quickly made his move the Emperor chuckles, "Still making those clumsy mistakes I see-"

Magistrate Ping loses his patience and actually expressed want he's really here for, "I didn't want to pry but no I shouldn't say maybe it doesn't concern me-"

Zheng Rui Yon's hand halted, "Speak at once your tongue had the guts to begin so let it finish."

"I feel that Zheng Yong's Advisor is incompetent and not to suitable to handle matters of the Court. There is no doubt in Zheng Yong's judgement I've brought this matter up to him but he refuses to release his Advisor from his position. There's also word going around that Zheng Yong favors him,"

"What nonsense! Zheng Yong isn't like this!-" Zheng Rui Yon's nostrils flare.

"It's best you calm down Rui Yon I think Zheng Yong doesn't want to disappoint you so he's being stubborn on this matter," Magistrate Ping had set his bait now it's time to reel in the catch, "But this matter can surely be fixed as I've found a far suitable candidate,"

"Is that so? Who do you recommend?"

"He's my most trusted disciple Gong Li he's definitely suitable for this job. I've already introduced him to Zheng Yong but the lad won't budge he won't receive him but with a great push he doesn't have to," Magistrate Ping hinted at the Emperor's power adding weight to his ego.

"It's settled that stubborn lad won't dare to refuse the orders of the Emperor. I'll have Gong Li take the post effectively tomorrow," The Emperor strikes again making it impossible for Magistrate Ping continue the game.

"Didn't you say you'll go easy on me?-" he jokes.

"The Empress has arrived!-" the eunuch announces both men turned to the door, "Let her in," the Emperor commands.

The Empress enters dressed lavishly in her phoenix robe her entire being ordained in gold jewellery her face still youthful despite the years passed, she curtseys, "This one greets His Majesty,"

"Rise!-" the Emperor commands flicking his hand. The Empress gets up and walks greets Magistrate Ping, "Magistrate Ping-"

"Your Highness," he bows.

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