Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.18

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The gorgeous youth smiled in triumph, Hwan Jin was arrogant since childhood as he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth anything he wanted he would not fail to get it. "..Why can't he go get another? Why do I have to? As a business woman how can you be so unjust?—" the female vendor was flabbergasted.

Hwan Jin proceeds to forcefully grab the hairpin from her palm almost causing it to cut her. "Give it back!-" Cheng Bi Yu angrily yells, "..You scoundrel stealing other's things aren't you too arrogant!-" by this    time a small crowd had formed observing the two.

"..It's mine now feeble woman what are you going to do about it?!—" Hwan Jin taunted Cheng Bi Yu clutched her fist she desired to smack his gorgeous face until it was unrecognizable she scuffed, "..Listen you purple haired prick!-"

"No you listen," Hwan Jin annoyed interrupts her babble, "..I'm buying this for a very pretty lady," he arched his lavender brows observing Cheng Bi Yu from head to toe,"..Something you might not understand—" he clicked his tongue peering into her fierce black marbles.

Cheng Bi Yu turned red she bit down on her lip, "..I'll show you!-" she prepared a fierce stance boring holes into his face.

Amongst the crowd of people were Zhou Tong and Zheng Yong they were both displeased with the scene one more than the other Zheng Yong purchased an hairpin from a nearby stall that was unmatched compared to the one Cheng Bi Yu had fought for.

Zheng Yong darts through the crowd approaching them ignoring the straying eyes he steps forward sticking the hairpin in her loose bun, "..This suits you best-" he exclaimed Cheng Bi Yu flabbergasted blinks frozen shock by the encounter she stares at his face, "..You look even more enchanting-" he brushed a loose strand from her face.

"Huh?!-" Many people gasped spooked this was the first time the untouchable iceberg Magistrate Zheng had behaved affectionate towards a woman and to add on that he compliments her beauty previously all eligible maidens who tried desperately to woe the black hearted sparrow felt like they just ate vinegar as the brandished their boiling hate for Cheng Bi Yu proudly.

"..Follow me-" Cheng Bi Yu still blinked bewildered Zheng Yong walked off but stopped between the parted crowd turning back he sees his
Advisor's twin sister still in a daze he mouths,"...Aren't you coming?-" he cocks his brow Cheng Bi Yu remained Zheng Yong frustratedly sighed walking back he grabs her palm dragging her behind, "..Why are you so much trouble?-" she choose to remain silent as she's dragged through the parted crowd.

Zhou Tong felt a tinge of jealousy it should've been him holding her hand not the iceberg Zheng Yong. Out in the open Zheng Yong stopped releasing her hand Cheng Bi Yu lifts her hand noticing Zhou Tong her gaze narrowed, "..You again? Are you stalking me or something?!-"

Zhou Tong was flustered by her accusations, "..It's not like that Miss Tang-" he awkwardly defends himself her lip twitched, "..I think there are too many coincidences between us. I don't like it-" Zheng Yong keenly observed their interaction.

"..Stalker!-" Cheng Bi Yu exclaimed flustering Zhou Tong further Zheng Yong brushed past them ignoring their childish bickering, "..Wait Magistrate Zheng-" they both rushed behind him.

Cheng Bi Yu walked awkwardly alongside the strapping men, "..I appreciate your help earlier many thanks to Magistrate Zheng-" she slightly bowed her gesture was rewarded with silence she awkwardly chewed her lip.

Just up ahead Hong Meigui and Yi-Hsuan were also shopping, "..Careful Miss-" she adjust her footing Meigui momentarily turns spotting the familiar faces Meigui grabs Yi-Hsuan's hand sprinting towards the group, "Magistrate Zheng I didn't see you there—" she played coy helplessly gripping her handkerchief, "..Oh you're also here Officer Zhou," Zhou Tong nods in respect Meigui turns to the other among the men confusion spread across her brows, "Gege Ying Jie?—"

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