Arc 3

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Opening her eyes with trembling fingers Cheng Bi Yu reached for her stomach warm tears running down her face, "-I didn't even get to hold my baby!-" she howls in pain. Before she could recover the monotone voice of the system rang out.

[[Congrats again host for a successful mission]]

[[Welcome back!]]

[[Earlier score points at 50,0000 + (collected) 55,0000= 105,0000]]

Cheng Bi Yu wiped her tears, "Is m-my f-family fine w-without me?-" she breath out in desperation.

[[Does Host wishes to see?]]

"-Yes!" She shouts happily clutching her chest she was sad ridden she gad to leave them but if she could see them one more time her heart would slightly be at ease.

White smoke appeared revealing an image.

Li Zi Hao not looking a day over thirty sat in Li Luo Luo's courtyard sipping tea while the eight year old played the zither, "-You play just like your mother..." he comments.

"-Really!.." the girl lifted her head, "Absolutely my little princess. You're just like her. She loved you so much. She loved us so much-" Li Zi Hao sighed contempt though his precious wife had perish she had left him two most precious gifts in this world.

Li Zi Hao gets back, "Father has to go," he informed tenderly rubbing her head.

Li Zi Hao at this time went to the place he always went, the Imperial tombs. He entered the underground tunnel there her tomb laid in the center he knelt, "-Zhen misses you so much...Chen Guangzhou.."

The image blurs the white smoke disappeared.

Cheng Bi Yu couldn't help the stray tear which fell from her eye, "-I miss you too..."

[[Does Host still need some time before the second world?]]

"No..." she sniffles wiping her face, "I'm okay now..." she floats horizontal in the space, "You know I think it's high time I give you a name..." Cheng Bi Yu voiced it was something she just remembered.

The system exclaimed practically jumping.


"-Yes but first I need to know are you a male or female?..." Cheng Bi Yu asked ranking through her brain for names that suited both gender just in case.

[[Well Host, normally systems are genderless because we are A.I's but I was created female]]

Cheng Bi Yu clicks her tongue, "You could've fooled me system due to your monotone robotic voice I would've thought you're a middle aged man with mommy issues-"


System offline.

"Between Sammy, Dawn and Poppy...dang what to choose?-"

Cheng Bi Yu beamed, "'System from now on your name will be Poppy. Say, I'm Poppy for me-"

[[I'm Poppy]]

"Once more-"

[[I'm Poppy]]

"One more time this one is for the road-"

[[I'm Poppy]]

Cheng Bi Yu cringes, "Gush it's still annoying as hell!-" she added doing a handstand,"Poppy I'm ready quickly send me off..."

[[Transferring Host.....40%.......62%.....75%.....89%......96%....100%]]

[[Transfer complete!!!]]

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