Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.17

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The fifth day came and like that Cheng Bi Yu felt quite better- to the point that she wanted to go outside, explore and soak up the hot sun than stay locked inside like a caged dove.

Mei-Liang felt the complete opposite and rejected the acute idea, "...Absolutely not-" she shook her head, "..Even though you say you're better you're obviously still pale. Your fever just went down you shouldn't be galavanting smelling the dandelions. Stay inside-"

"...Geez when has fresh air killed anyone-" Cheng Bi Yu protest, "..If I stay any longer behind these walls I'm going to flip-" she clutched her robe, "..Aren't you the least concerned that I'll die suffocating from the stuffy atmosphere in here?!-"

Mei-Liang lips curved, "..I won't let you die on my watch. You're not leaving the room that is if you want me to keep my sanity-" her lips flattened she walks towards the door, "Don't leave this room-" she drilled, "..Your health comes first-"

Cheng Bi Yu sighs looking out the window she brushed aside the curtain a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes her lips curled, "..Wait a minute. I can't leave the room but she didn't say anything about my shape shifting cat leaving, did she?-"

Cheng Bi Yu quickly shifted, "..Sorry Mei-Liang," she hopes put the window, "..A person like me can't be tamed-" her paws land firm on the solid ground her feline eyes slanted, "..Now where are those dandelions?-"

Zhou Tong had once again made a surprise appearance Mei-Liang tossed her basket and went to face him she exhaled her hands rested on her hips,
"..Not you again. Officer Zhou I think we should talk in private would you follow me," she marched ahead Zhou Tong followed close behind to a distance near enough to be seen but far enough for others to hear.

Mei-Liang halts turning to face him she exclaimed dropping her hands from her hips, "..What I'm about to tell you, you can't tell a soul. Can I trust you on that?-" Zhou Tong gradually nods.

"..Excellent," Mei-Liang loosened her lips, "..My Master after reaching puberty contracted a chronic disease that lasts up to seven days this aliment occurs monthly,"

Mei-Liang read his expression and predicted his next words before the attentive Officer Zhou interrupts she proceeds to explain, "...It's a rare illness so rare that not even the best physician couldn't find a cure,"

She then assured the overly concerned Zhou Tong, "..My Master will be well after two days so in two days you'll be able to see him again," then clearly reminded him, "..This secret should not get into the ears of others my Master would be angry-" she faked panicked, "..I told you this because he doesn't like to discuss his medical history,"

Zhou Tong nods rightly assuring Mei-Liang, "..Your Master's secret is safe with me I won't tell a soul," A meaningful expression spread across her face, "..I really appreciate that Officer Zhou. I trust you won't deceive me, if you'd excuse me I should get back to my chores-"

"..I trust you'll find your way out-" Mei-Liang respectively bow brushing past him she waltz off to the kitchen heating the charcoal stove she prepares lunch.

With this information Zhou Tong was just as curious as concerned about Tang Ying Jie and even wondered if Tang Mu Lan shared the same illness as her brother.

Cheng Bi Yu had sprinted back jumps through the window shifting midair she landed on all fours standing she snatched her robes from the bed hastily slipping them back on as she tied the knot at her waist the door opens, "....Lunch is ready!-" Mei-Liang proudly announced stepping into the room.

Cheng Bi Yu casually sat on the stool, "..Well it's about time-" Mei-Liang sniffed placing down the tray, "..What's that?!-" she scrunched her nose, "..Why does in here reek of dandelions?!-" she exclaimed she quickly covered her nose powerfully sneezing, "Achoo!-"

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