The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.10

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Eunuch Zheng Hou was beyond furious his face beet red as he internally fumed against this low born concubine who dared to implicate him and supposed crimes.

"-How dare you try to frame this trusted Eunuch! Do you know how long this one has been by his Majesty's side? What benefits would this Eunuch gain plotting against his Majesty, the Emperor?," He spurts many of the Ministers began to chat amongst themselves.

"-What rubbish is this woman spurting?"

"-Humph only speaking rubbish,"

"-Zheng Hou going against His Majesty is just unfathomable...."

"-Zheng Hou a rebel? It's highly...."

Cheng Bi Yu tilts her head to the side, "Eunuch Zheng Hou or should this servant address you by your given name?...Shu Yang Ri..."

The court grew into a complete uproar.

"-Shu Yang Ri! The exiled prince of the last dynasty!-"

"-Wasn't he dead!..."

"-Zheng Hou is really that man unbelievable!.."

"-A traitor to the nation!.."

"But the fallen prince Shu Yang Ri didn't work alone." Her venomous eyes found Li Zhi Xin her eyes slanted, "Isn't that right Li Zhi Xin?" Hearing her statement the minister's necks snapped in his direction.

"-The third prince? What's his involvement?.."

"-Does he mean to rebel?..."

Cheng Bi Yu could see the color drain from Li Zhi Xin's face his arrogance,  and over-confidence wavered. Li Zhi Xin averted his eyes he stood silent the tight-lipped the male lead was in a fix.

Cheng Bi Yu fixed her robe, "-Tsk. It seems the third prince has gone tight-lipped..." she smirked turning back to the Ministers, "-If His Highness doesn't wish to confess...." she turned back to Eunuch Zheng Hou, "-What would a disgruntled exiled prince gain by aligning himself with his enemy's son?-"


"-And what would this country's prince gain by aligning himself with a traitor exiled prince?..."

"-Wanting to start a rebellion for the throne..." Li Zhi Xin violently shook, "-By conspiring with Shu Yang Ri, the third prince Li Zhi Xin has becoming a traitor to this empire!..." Cheng Bi Yu then mentioned, "-The day this one fell into a coma their was an attack on the Crown Prince's private base. It was clear their intention was to claim His Highness's life..."

Cheng Bi Yu signals towards Li Zi Hao the black-bellied prince nods he signaled to the guards to bring in the assassin who had been detained for long periods.

The assassin was dragged in by two guards his robes merely to shreds, his
body bruised and battered his face beaten beyond recognition. He was pushed on his knees before the Emperor, "-As you all can see this is one of the captured assassin..."

Cheng Bi Yu turns to the assassin, "Can you recognize the person who had hired you to attack the prince's base?-" she asked uninterrupted.

The assassin was beaten so badly that he finally agreed to give up his boss.

The assassin turns to Li Zhi Xin who scrawls giving him a warning look, the assassin ignored the arrogant male lead he was in too much pain to care about implications, "-This lowly servant was hired by third Prince Li Zhi Xin to kill His Highness the Crown Prince," his hoarse voice confessed.

"You rogue! How dare you lie!-" Li Zhi Xin no longer tight-lipped roars in rage.

Eunuch Zheng Hou voices, "This trusty servant thinks this assassin's words can't be trusted, Your Majesty." In a long while Shu Yang Ri spoke, "-People like him are natural born liars he would say anything for his freedom. For all we know his claims could have been coherence by Concubine Bao, as well as the other unfathomable lies,"

Transmigration:  Face slap the white lotusOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora