Coffee to go- 3.13

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Carter had hung his wet clothes to dry, "..Are your clothes dry yet?-" Cheng Bi Yu asked slipping on her dress, "-If not would you lend me yours?.." Carter removed his shirt from the tree, "..You'd be better off parading around naked my little dress could never fit over your buff frame," she comments slipping on her shoe.

"..The mayor's grandson parading naked through the streets," Carter joked flinging his shirt over his shoulders, "..That'll surely make headlines in the small island post," he zipped up his pants.

Cheng Bi Yu had tugged a blooming sun yellow flower behind her ear she whipped out her phone taking a couple photos of herself and a couple sneaky ones of Carter, "..Shall we," Carter takes her head leading the way out, "..Bon voyage-" Cheng Bi Yu whispered her eyes peering back at the secret forest.

Her arms tightened around Carter's waist she rested her head on his back her nostrils soaked in the afternoon breeze, "...Dah Dah Dah!-" she mumbled singing a tune.

Carter rode freely through the streets picking up speed Cheng Bi Yu had closed her eyes at some point snuggling into his back her breathing slowed, "We're here," Carter announced looking back at her face.

"..Already?-" Cheng Bi Yu mumbled she straightened releasing Carter's waist she gets off they made small conversation making their way further inside.

"..It's good that I caught you here," Celine exclaimed approaching the two her gaze focused on Cheng Bi Yu, "..The girls and I are gonna hit Benny's karaoke bar for a little pre-bachelorette celebration. You in?-"

"..I'm down for some karaoke," Cheng Bi Yu responds Celine smiled pleased, "..Heck yeah! We leave at six. Prepare yourself for tonight we're all going to get wasted." Celine winked striding off.

"..Don't drink too much tonight-" Carter leaned against the bed cautioned watching Cheng Bi Yu eagerly get ready, "-I'll be fine don't worry too much," she sled her thin strapped back over her shoulder, "..Don't wait up-" Cheng Bi Yu adjusting her jacket for the last time walked out the door.

The girls were all dressed in similar pink gowns with Celine wearing additional accessories, a tiara and white sash which said, 'Bride to be' they entered Benny's Karaoke Bar, "..Which room did you book?-" Elene asked from behind, "..The deluxe to 34V-" Celine replied pulling out her gold card handing it to the receptionist.

"..This way please," the thick makeup receptionist led them to a black door with the gold plated sign 34V. "..Enjoy ladies," she walked away her pumps clicking against the white tile.

Celine pushed opening the door luxury did come at a fine price the room was thrice the normal size of a regularly boxed room and styled finely with white, black, gold and red abstract art.

"..Chug! Chug! Chug!-" the group chanted, "-Woah that hit the spot!.." Celine gulped down the gin her throat slightly burned she deeply exhaled.

"..Cheers to Celine!-" Melina held up her glass, "..To the most incredibly interesting woman I've ever met!..Cheers!"

"..Cheers!-" Celine clung her glass, "..Here's to my last remaining days as a free woman!-" she refilled her glass toasting the girls down their shots, "Aww that hits the spot!-" Cheng Bi Yu wiped the corner of her mouth.

"..Cheers to a happy marriage life soon to come my gorgeous cousin-" Elene stood holding up her glass high she brought it to her lips gulping the acid drink,

"..It's my turn-" Melina stands, "..Here's to true sisterhood Celine I love you girl!-" Melina downs two shots together she almost gauges, "Wow! That has a very strong kick to it," she seats back down.

Melina hooked her arm with Celine's  rested her head on her shoulder then adds, "..I'm happy you're getting married but I'm also sad but I know you'll be happy with Willis and that's all that matters because only he can keep my Celine happy-" Celine pulled Melina into a bone crushing hug a few tears fell from her eyes.

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