Coffee to go- 3.20

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Under update from Friday till next week! Thanks for your patience lovelies ♡!!! FIGHTING!!


Part three (3): Unravel

Cheng Bi Yu holds out her index finger,"Oh one more thing-" Lee Tai-hua focused all ears her soft pink lips curled, "I'm going to need access to that room-" she points directly at the screen, "But it's been sealed off by authorities-" Lee Tai-hua nervously rushed Cheng Bi Yu lips thinned she reached forth her slender fingers rested on his tie, "..Then make it available. Hand over the key-" she tightened the knot.

"I can't-" Cheng Bi Yu fingers still she lowered her palm her sharp green orbs narrowed she stepped back, "Gang Wei Yuan it seems Mr. Lee is being uncooperative once again teach him a lesson-" Gang Wei Yuan creaked his neck, "My pleasure-" he jumped off the desk straightening he cracks his knuckles,"Hold him down!-" the hot-headed Spike and the nasty foul-mouthed Pinhead sprung into action Lee Tai-hua screams out, "..Wait! Wait! I'll give it you-" he reached in his pocket, "Here!-" the key card dangles from his trembling and sweaty fingers.

Cheng Bi Yu snatched the key card a considerate smile found it's way to her lips,"That's more like it-" she heads towards the door she paused resting her hand on the doorframe she glanced back, "Let him go I'm sure you guys had enough fun for today-" Cheng Bi Yu carries on her merry way.

Gang Wei Yuan signals to Spike and Pinhead the two released the haggard and rattled looking hotel manager Gang Wei Yuan brushed past resting his palm on his shoulder he harshly squeezed, "..Till next time-" he released his strong grip he elegantly strode out of the room.

Spike flings his arm over his shoulder roughly ruffling his hair, "..Next time chump!-" Lee Tai-hua red face blotted from the strained pressure staggering to his feet he gasps for air Spike brushed past him Park Qi Ru walks alongside him.

Pinhead piercing eyes bored into his skull he grabs his roots roughly tugging, "Argh!-" Lee Tai-hua groaned in anguish he bit down on his bottom lip Pinhead kneels his voice audible next to the hotel manager, "You better be ready to pay up next time punk! Or else don't show your face again-" he roughly nudged his head standing Pinhead dusts off his hand he steps over Lee Tai-hua leaving the panting hotel manager.

Cheng Bi Yu stood before Emily's door
she tore off the yellow crime scene tape sliding the key card the door opened with a click she enters closing the door behind displeased at the heavy bleach scents that attacked her nose Cheng Bi Yu pulls out a handkerchief lowering the impact of the detergents.

She switched on the lights her eyes scanned the area she scrunched her nose, "Do they always do a shitty job during clean ups?-" the apartment was literally like a yard pile things were scattered everywhere.

Cheng Bi Yu stepped forward kicking to the side anything in her path she strode over to the female lead's room she rummaging through anything she found she moved to the closet and draws but was disappointed that they were completely empty she frustratedly sighed looking around she wiggled her fingers protectively sealed by surgical latex gloves, "..Come on there must be something here!-" she bit her tongue heading back out to the living room momentarily her eyes paused a top the miniature fireplace.

"Of course-" she hurriedly strode forward she grips the white picture frame in her hand she carefully slides out the photo holding it up, "..This should do-" she they hid the photo in her jacket inner pocket. Cheng Bi Yu
quickly puts things back the way they were she retracts her step making sure nothings left out of place satisfied with her cleanup.

Entering the suite she closed the door behind walking further she flings off her coat and she prepares for the experiment she fetched the folded napkin from her poach she opens it revealing the glowing pill grabbing a glass from the tray she heads to the bathroom filling it up flinging her head back she tossed the pill down her throat.

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