The Bath

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You had managed to stop shivering-cocooned beneath the warm water of the pleasant smelling bath-by the time Taehyung entered the bathroom.

He closed the door behind him with a soft click, and came to sit on the ledge of the large tub, glancing down at you with an unreadable expression on his face, before he asked softly, "Feeling better?"

"Warmer at least." You managed to offer him half of a smile, even though you couldn't feel it reach your eyes.

It was the truth. You felt warmer physically, but your heart was still heavy and aching with each slow beat beneath your ribcage.

You sighed, letting your body sink deeper beneath the water, before you inquired carefully, "Is Leo still asleep?"

Taehyung nodded, trailing his fingers through the perfumed, warm water, seeming to be lost in thought, before he said gently, "Yeah. I set up his playpen in the spare room. He's a pretty heavy sleeper." He chuckled briefly, and the sound made you feel a bit better, as you glanced up at him, and he offered you the hint of his usual grin.

Suddenly, you could not imagine being anywhere else-being with anyone else-in this shitty situation.

Kim Taehyung was exactly who you-and Leo-needed right now.

Taehyung cleared his throat, pulling you back from your thoughts, and you noted, briefly, as your gaze drew to his face, that he was careful not to let his eyes trail too long over the naked expanse of your skin, shimmery and slightly out of focus beneath the rippling bath water.

Always a gentleman.

"So." He seemed to consider his words for a brief moment, before continuing. "That kid. He's your sister's? The one you talked about before?"

You nodded, squeezing your eyes shut for a moment, as his words drew up the well of pain once more from the center of your chest, reminding you of the betrayal, the despair, from earlier. "Yeah. Leo. He's my nephew."

"Hmmm." Taehyung hummed a sound like confirmation from beneath his breath, as he shifted slightly on the edge of the tub, and your attention was drawn to the cable knit sweater he wore, the way it hugged his muscular chest, his broad shoulders.

Normally, the fact that you were naked, in a bath that wasn't your own, sitting beside an incredibly attractive man, would be an invitation for untoward, but readily welcomed, things.

However, tonight, here in the silence, you were too tired to consider the alternative.

And Taehyung seemed to sense that.

Leaning across the expanse of the tub, he took one of the shampoo bottles into his long fingers-the ones he had bought specifically after you had stayed the night-and sat back, popping the lid open before he poured a dollop of the shimmering cream into the palm of his hand.

You glanced up at him, watching him with slight confusion on your features, as he met your gaze, lifting a dark brow in your direction, a hint of amusement glinting in his eyes. "What are you doing?"

Putting the shampoo bottle down, he cocked his head to the side, and his full lips pulled upward into the hint of a smile, as he gestured to you, voice casual, as if it was the most normal thing in the world for the two of you to be here together. "I'm going to wash your hair."

"You what-" You asked, slightly in shock, as he moved behind the tub where your head rested, and before you could finish your protest, buried his fingers into the dampened strands of your hair.

"I said-" He leaned close to you, and the warmth of his breath on your chilled skin made you shiver slightly beneath the slightly cooling water of the bath. "I'm going-" His fingers, working the shampoo into a lather, the air smelling pleasantly of green tea and orange , brushed the nape of your neck almost in a caress.. "To wash your hair, sweetheart."

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