The Details

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"Bitch, I heard you've been holding out on us," are the first words that left Hobi's mouth when you entered your room that night, several days after the absolutely magical and amazing date with a certain hot plastic surgeon.

"What are you talking about?" You asked, feigning innocence, as you kicked off your shoes and went digging through your closet for something comfy to slip into.

"We never heard about your 'fake' date with the hot doctor." Solar responded, lying upside down on her bed, long ashy, blonde hair cascading to the floor, as she took another taste of her red lollipop and eyed you suspiciously. "And then Hobi heard something interesting today."

"Oh?" You queried, hiding a smile, as you pulled your dress over your head and slipped into the worn pair of leggings and oversized sweatshirt you had pulled from the dark recesses of your messy closet. "What exactly did you hear, and from who?"

Plopping down on your bed beside Hobi, who shot you a horrified look, you laughed, as he waved his hands dramatically and pouted at you, exclaiming loudly, "I had to hear from Lisa, who heard from Jennie, who in turn heard from Wheein, that YOU TWO WERE GONE FOREVER THAT NIGHT." He took in a deep breath, before plunging once more into the accusations, pointing his finger directly into your face, "Way past your scheduled paid for time period. So just what were the two of you up to, hmmm?!"

"Wow." Solar sat up, swinging her legs over the side of her bed, as she leaned to toss her now eaten sucker into the trash can, as she said dramatically, "Hobi and I thought we were your best bitches, (Y/N)."

"Okay, okay, shut up." You spoke over the two of them, as Hobi shot you a wounded glare and fell back onto your bed beside you, crop top riding up and revealing his line of bronze abs, which disappeared into the very tight, and very pink, jeans he was wearing. "If you two would just let me talk, then maybe you'd find out what happened."

You stuck your tongue out at the two of them goodnaturedly, before you leaned back on your hands beside the still pouting Hobi, hoping the stupid grin you could feel creeping over your features wasn't too telling. "Listen. Nothing scandalous happened."

"Well, that's disappointing." Hobi muttered out beneath his breath from beside you, as he started to pick at the black polish that was chipping slowly off his fingernails.

"Let me finish." You interrupted, elbowing him in the hip, as you raised a brow and looked down at him. "He took me to an apartment rooftop in the city. And he let me make art again."

"Shit. That's romantic." Solar said in awe, as Hobi pushed himself up to sit cross legged on the bed, glancing over at you with a look of utter and pure jealousy on his features.

"Damn it. Where do I find an attractive, chiseled, rich god with a jawline sharp enough to cut cheese who takes me to rooftops just to let me paint?" He whined, propping his chin in his hand as a sudden look of deviousness came into his dark eyes. "Preferably to paint him naked, but I digress."

"Anyway." You glared at them for once more interrupting your story, and cleared your throat, suddenly feeling a blush start to creep up your neck, as your mind drifted back to that night on the roof, and the kiss, and how Taehyung had tasted on your tongue. "And then he kissed me, and that's all that happened. The end."

"WHAT?!" Solar and Hobi both yelled at the exact same time into the stunned silence, as you groaned at their reaction and buried your now very red face into the safety of your pillow.

"Oh, no you don't." Hobi grabbed your shoulders and wrenched you back upright, holding you in an incredibly strong grip, as you wriggled and whined for him to let you go, to which he shook his head fiercely and berated, "No way. You don't get to drop a bomb on a bitch and then expect not to give her the details. SPILL."

The Girlfriend Package (Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now