The Cast

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If Solar was surprised to see Taehyung following closely on your heels as you burst into the room of your apartment, she didn't show it.

You made a beeline across the room to where Hobi lay, reclined amongst all of the pillows you and Solar probably owned, long, lanky frame stretched across your bed, the red duvet crumpled under his body a direct contrast to the paleness of his face, as he tried to offer you a halfhearted smile, wincing slightly as the movement pulled his torn lip.

'Hobi. Holy shit." You cursed as you crouched down beside the bed, reaching out to turn his face gently with a finger under his chin, examining the damage in the shadowy light cast from the lamp on Solar's side of the room.

His lip was bruised and cracked, the delicate pink skin busted open, the blood barely having congealed on the fresh wound. The socket around his right eye seemed to be deepening in color even as you watched-the large, circular bruise turning even darker shades of purple and blue and black-and his cheek was scuffed, covered in tiny, angry, scrapes, as if he had been dragged along the concrete and experienced a harsher version of rug burn.

Anger welled up in your chest, as he once again grimaced, pushing himself further up amongst the tower of pillows, as he said through gritted teeth, voice carefully casually, "I'm really fine, (Y/N)." He motioned covertly over his shoulder with his thumb in the direction of Solar, who was watching the proceedings, still looking slightly panicked, from her spot in the corner of the bedroom. "You know how Solar overreacts."

"She's not overreacting to this. Shit, Hobi." You noticed then, that he was keeping one arm clutched tightly against his chest, carefully cradled with his opposite hand, and that you hadn't seen him move that specific arm once since you had arrived. "Is your arm hurt too?" You ground out, seeing red, and at his hesitant nod, you stood, towering over him, hands on your hips, as you warned dangerously, "I swear to God, Hobi, if Nick did this to you, after all he's already done....."
"It wasn't Nick." Hobi interrupted your angry tirade, shifting once again on the bed, as he let out a slight groan between his teeth at the movement of his bruised and aching body, before continuing gently, "It was a new guy. New client."

"Who was it?" You barrelled on stubbornly, not willing to let this go, not after you had seen first hand that Solar wasn't exaggerating, and Hobi really was nearly beaten to a pulp. Seeing your best friend, beaten and weak and hurt, lying before you, just made the rage flicker even stronger, edging its way from your stomach and into your throat, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. "I swear, give me his name,and I'll kill the guy."

"I'm not going to kiss and tell, (Y/N)." Hobi offered you half a smile, bloody lips stark against the whiteness of his teeth. "I'm not a snitch."

"Hobi." You sighed his name tiredly, running a hand with agitation through your hair, the once fancy updo now almost completely wrecked, loose from your run up the stairs in your hurry to get to the apartment.

"Bitch, no." Hobi replied firmly, and his nickname for you almost made you smile, as he continued with a tone of finality as his gaze darted between you and Solar. "You and I and Solar all knew what we were getting into when we joined this line of work. We knew what could happen and we accepted the risks."
Sighing again, more heavily this time, you sank down beside him on the bed, pulling your knees to your chest, the slick material of your dress pooling around your legs. "I know, I know. I just wish we didn't have to accept them."

Taehyung, who had been quietly observing from the corner of the room, took this moment to step forward, coming into the light of the lamp, as he knelt down beside the bed, offering his hand to the injured Hobi as he said with a reassuring flash of a smile in the other man's direction, "Hobi, isn't it? I'm Kim Taehyung."

The Girlfriend Package (Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now