The Wedding

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Taehyung prayed to every God above that you hadn't noticed how many times he had found himself staring at you on the drive to the wedding, as his gaze, unbidden, once again slid over to the passenger seat, alighting on your face.

You were fiddling with the closure on your clutch, resting in your lap, seeming to be lost in thought, your eyes holding a distant look in them, and as he watched you from the corner of his eye, you ran your tongue over your teeth, a habit he had noticed you did whenever you were deep in thought, a habit which was equal parts endearing and sexy, and a habit that drove him absolutely mad with need.

He adjusted his hold on the steering wheel, wincing slightly as his bruised knuckles stung a bit, although he couldn't help the small smile that crept across his lips as his eyes rested on the bandage you had so carefully wrapped around his hand an hour or so before.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung finally found himself asking, gaze once again flickering over to your face, as you startled slightly at his voice in the silence, before turning to face him from your seat, your eyes and face lighting up with your smile, his heart thudding loudly in his chest in response.

That smile was directed at him. And he couldn't handle it.

"Yeah! Sorry." You apologized, glancing out the front windshield briefly, before you returned your gaze to him, laughing slightly in embarrassment. "If I'm being honest, I was trying to remember everything for today so I don't make a fool out of myself."
Taehyung smiled at your words, a genuine, fond smile, as he flashed his attention back to the road before him, hands gripping the steering wheel slightly tighter as he pulled off the freeway at your exit, before saying in amusement, eyes still on the road, "How about I quiz you then?"
"Hit me." You said, excitement clear in your tone, as you folded one of your bare legs beneath your body on the seat of the car, turning your upper body toward him completely, a look of determination crossing your features at his challenge.

Taehyung, his focus on you once again, found his eyes, without his consent, drawn to the movement of your, and the sight, the flash, of your perfectly flawless skin, flashing beneath the folds of the dress, made something inside of him clench up.

Damn it. This was only the second time he had seen you, but it was quickly becoming clear in his mind-he was completely and utterly enchanted with you.

Realizing you were waiting expectantly for his first question, Taehyung cleared his throat and pulled his gaze away from you, back to the sights of rural LA flashing past the cars windows, he hesitated briefly, before asking, "Okay. We'll start easy. Jungkook, my friend who's getting married, he's....?"

When he didn't continue, you must have taken his hint that he wanted you to finish his statement, and without missing a beat, you held up your hand for him to see, three fingers raised, the silver rings adorning your hand shining in the sunlight from the window, as you ticked off what you were saying, "Jungkook, or JK, is Jimin's younger brother." One finger down. "He's currently working as a photographer, but eventually would like to get into film." Another finger folded back against your palm. "And he is absolutely terrified of microwaves."

The last finger disappeared, and Taehyung shot you an impressed look, his breath catching in his throat as you flashed him a bright smile in return, eyes sparkling with triumph, as you clapped your hands, before asking quizzically, "Why is JK scared of microwaves?"

Taehyung laughed at your question, guiding the car smoothly around a bend in the road, wineries starting to spread out on either side of the drive, showing you were getting closer to your destination. "No one really knows honestly. Maybe he had a bad experience?"

You snorted, your gaze moving to look out the window as you said dryly, "A bad experience? Who has a bad experience with a microwave?" You shot Taehyung a look, one brow raised in skepticism, and honestly, that look, that expression on your face, slightly mischievous and slightly teasing, did something to him. In that moment, he would have given you anything you wanted. "Did he accidentally microwave an entire egg and it exploded? Because that can scar you." You grinned, red lined lips dark against pearly white teeth. "At least, that's what I've heard. From a friend."

The Girlfriend Package (Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now