The Party

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"Happy 65th Birthday!"

The loud cheer from the party guests rang out amongst the clink of champagne glasses, lifted in a cheerful salute, as streamers and a torrent of balloons and confetti rained down from the ceiling.

"Happy birthday, darling." You leaned over, pressing a kiss against the smooth skin of his cheek, and the whiskered hair of his beard, just barely showing signs of salt and pepper, tickled across your lips as you pulled back to break contact, leaving a slight stain of maroon lipstick along his cheekbone.

"Thank you, my dear." Shilo smiled broadly at you in return, patting your hand which was wrapped around his elbow, fingers resting lightly on his forearm, before lifting it to his lips for a light brush of a polite kiss across your knuckles.

You glanced up, noting that an elderly couple was headed toward the two of you, as the party started rolling once more, and knowing that they would want to congratulate and chat with the guest of honor, you gave Shilo's arm a light squeeze, as a temporary silent farewell, before leaving his side and skirting through the crowded room toward the bar.

Smiling at partygoers, most of whom offered you smiles and slight nods in return, most of Shilo's circle were well aware of your presence by now, you threaded through crowds of happy, talking, laughing people, reaching the bar only a little out of breath, and pushing some loose curls from your face, you looked to the expectant bartender and without hesitation said over the noise of the crowd, "Bourbon on the rocks."

He set about making your drink, and leaning against the lip of the bar, you let your eyes scan lazily over the large group of people that had gathered for Shilo's 65th birthday. It was almost overwhelming how many people he knew, but he was rich, and he was popular, and heaven knew, his house could certainly hold the crowds.

Your thought process was interrupted by none other than the man in question's daughter, as she sidled up to the bar beside you, a glass of pinot held dainty in one hand, her red lipstick perfectly matching the expensive looking fabric of her pantsuit.

You glanced at her from the corner of your eye as she approached, and noted, with a hint of dread in your stomach, that she seemed nervous.

"Kari." You decided to break the ice, reaching across the counter to take your offered drink from the bartender, as you offered Shilo's daughter a smile, before taking a sip of the bourbon. The burning sensation was much needed as it made its way down your throat and into your stomach. "This is a beautiful party. You've done an amazing job."

"Thank you." Kari smiled, her lips a little tight, but overall, she seemed friendly, as she stood beside you at the bar, slowly nursing her glass of wine. "Doesn't dad look great tonight?" She motioned toward her father, who was smiling and laughing with the older couple still, looking perfectly at ease in this all together too glitzy, bourgeois world of the upper half of LA.

"He does." You agreed, wondering what the small talk was about, as you took another shot from your drink. "You would never guess he was sixty five." You continued, with a small laugh, raising your eyebrow as you glanced over at Kari once again, fingers now nervously fiddling with the stem of her empty wine glass.

"Look, (Y/N)." Kari sighed, sliding the empty glass to the bartender, as her long, red fingernails drummed a tune onto the counter of the bar. "I owe you an apology."

You turned to face her, mouth slightly agape, wondering what this was all about, as you choked out in surprise, "What? Kari, you don't need to apologize to me for anything!"

"No, I do." She waved away your excuses, dark eyes dipping from your own gaze, as she sucked her lip in between perfectly white straight teeth. "You and I got off on the wrong foot last year, and I'm sorry." She looked at you once again, sincerity in her words, and you felt yourself relax slightly as she continued. "Look, after mom died, dad was..." She hesitated, voice a little emotional, and took in a shaky breath, wiping her hands down the pants of her pantsuit. "Dad was a mess. And when he first wanted to hire you, I was completely against the idea."

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