The Rooftop

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"Okay, okay." You said, waving your hand, after your laughter had finally died down from the joke Taehyung had told nearly ten minutes before, tears still lingering in your eyes. "Where exactly are we going again?"

"It's a surprise." Taehyung glanced at you sidelong, his brows raising up and down comically in a way that made you burst into laughter once more.

You had to admit-Kim Taehyung made you laugh.

You pulled into the parking lot of an expensive looking apartment building, and Taehyung stopped the car, as you unbuckled your seatbelt, smoothing down your dress, as you asked, "And who are we meeting this time? Jimin? Namjoon? Some other friends you need to impress that I have yet to dazzle with my beauty and intellect?" You shot him a grin.

"Actually." Taehyung looked suddenly slightly nervous, and you felt something akin to dread drop into the pit of your stomach. He turned to you, fiddling with the car keys between long fingers before he finally admitted, "No one. It's just us tonight. Is that okay?"

You were caught off guard, and you simply stared at him for a moment, which did not help to ease his nervousness, you were sure, but you couldn't find the words to reply to him-nor the words to express how his statement had suddenly made your heart jump into your throat.

"Umm..." You stuttered out, realizing you were blushing, and staring, as you finally dropped your gaze from Taehyung's face. "That's fine. Totally fine."

"Good." The relief filling Taehyung's voice made you glance back up at him, and he offered you a full teeth flashing grin, which in turn made you smile back, as he pushed dark, tousled curls off his forehead and reached for the door. "Let's go then."

Damn it. You had to admit-Kim Taehyung was hot as hell.

Following him into the front foyer of the apartments, heels clacking on the rather expensive looking tile flooring, you stayed close to his side, as without a word, the concierge caught sight of the young doctor, and nodded, before turning back to his work at the front desk.

"Okay, spill." You said, as soon as you were in the elevator alone together. "Are you like a secret agent? Is this your headquarters?"

"Please." Taehyung scoffed, pushing the button on the elevator for the rooftop as he turned to wink at you, lips pulling back once more into a boxy smile. "If this were my secret headquarters, there would be way more robots and tons more fancy weapons and equipment." He tapped the side of his nose and lowered his voice. "And way more hot assistants."

You rolled your eyes, but laughed regardless, as the elevator reached its destination, and the doors pulled back.

Taehyung surprised you slightly, when he took your hand in his, easily intertwining your fingers as he pulled you, almost excitedly, like a little kid, bouncing on the balls of his feet, off the elevator and out onto the rooftop.

"Wow. This is beautiful." You gasped out before you could stop yourself, turning to take in the rooftop garden-the paved walkways, the twinkling lights strung across the pavilion, the ornamental trees held in glittering color coordinated pots.

"This isn't the surprise." Taehyung said in your ear, and you jumped, realizing suddenly that he was behind you, and your fingers were still laced together, and a slight blush crept up your neck, though you hoped he hadn't noticed in the dim lighting of the evening.

Allowing him to pull you along behind him, you took in the garden with wide eyes as you walked, and for a moment, just a moment, on the quiet rooftop, beneath the stars, hand linked with Taehyung's, you felt more peace than you had in years.

The Girlfriend Package (Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now