The Confession

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"So you slept with her."

Taehyung paused his motions of pouring drinks into the two glasses sitting on the sideboard, and took in a deep breath through his nose, before he forced lightness into his voice, and turned to face his friend, drinks now in both hands. "Yes."

Taehyung didn't know what he expected Jin to say or how he expected him to act, but it definitely wasn't with calm or decorum.

Which is exactly what the man did, catching Taehyung completely and utterly off guard.

"Okay." Jin takes the offered drink from the younger man's hand and settles back into the sofa, the flickering fire dancing across his unreadable, handsome features. "So, how was it?" He asked this casually, swirling the alcohol around easily in the bottom of the glass.

"Uh-" Taehyung couldn't seem to find his thoughts. What the hell was happening? Last he had talked to Jin about you, his oldest friend had seemed more than a little antagonistic toward you. This was a complete one eighty in attitude, and he couldn't quite help but feel on edge, as if Jin were laying a trap for him to fall into with his suddenly complacent view on the subject. "Yeah, it was-it was good." Taehyung stumbled over his words slightly, taking a stiff gulp of his drink to calm his nerves.

"I'm happy for you." Jin met his gaze, and offered him half of a smile, full pink lips curling upward at the edges.

"Okay." Taehyung sat up, his back going stiff against the cushions, as he leaned forward to set his glass down on the coffee table with a harsh clank, turning back to Jin as he suddenly accused suspiciously, "Why are you being so nice about this, hyung?"

"What do you mean?" Jin shrugged casually, and downing the rest of his drink, angled his body to face the younger man more fully, an innocent look reflecting in his dark, caramel irises, only deepened by the dim lighting of the room.

"Don't play innocent with me." Taehyung narrowed his eyes, still not feeling quite at ease with how Jin was acting. "Last time I talked to you about liking (Y/N), you practically lost your mind, choked on your drink, and forbid me from falling in love with a prostitute."

"You're being overly dramatic. I never said that." Jin grinned, his teeth flashing behind the edge of his glass.

"Oh, I'm being dramatic?" Taehyung exclaimed in disbelief, coming to his feet to stand before Jin, hands on his hips, as he shot him a heated glare. "Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, you absolute asshole."

"Fine." Jin rolled his eyes, and setting aside his glass, motioned to Taehyung with a dismissive wave of his hand. "I just changed my mind. That's all. Happy?" He cocked a brow at the younger man, and pursed his lips, as if that was all he was going to say.

"That quickly and that drastically?" Taehyung questioned, suddenly feeling unsure.

Jin was stubborn, he didn't change his mind easily once it was set, and Taehyung was more than a little suspicious still that the older man was simply playing with him while trying to get a rise out of him by mentioning you.

He knew exactly how Taehyung had felt about you, and before tonight, Taehyung had been sure he knew exactly how Jin felt about you too.

Apparently, that had changed somehow.

"Look. Sit down, Taehyung." Jin motioned to the sofa beside him with a look akin to long suffering on his features, and after a moment of hesitation, Taehyung took his seat once more, as JIn reached out and laid a hand on his forearm, before letting out a sigh, and saying seriously, "I didn't like (Y/N) when I first met her. That's true." He allowed the hint of a soft smile to grace his lips. "However, she has managed to change my opinion."

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