Chapter 1: Everything is FUBAR

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Chapter 1: Everything Is FUBAR (Allied Defense of Tkacheva)

- March 2051, 0255 hours -

- Outside Tkacheva, Ukraine -

Three 2S19 mobile artillery maneuvered in line next to one other. Once parked, their guns pointed to the sky, made final adjustments, and opened fire. The artillery quickly found their rhythm and the steady boom, boom, boom, of the guns echoed through the area. Sergeant DuLaney made a note of them on his tac-pad which had a crude sketch of the artillery position.

"And that makes four total." He told the man next to him, Sergeant Owen.

"Yup, not to mention the other sites they have set up in the area," he grunted from behind his spotter glasses, "It's surprising Ivan still has this much hardware to throw around so late in the game."

"He's about to lose some hardware though." DuLaney said with a grin.

A chuckle, "True that," Owen checked his watch, "Alright, air assets should be in position, let's see if they're listening."

DuLaney switched his radio set on and made sure he was on the right frequency before trying to hail the nearby bomber group. Owen set his own radio to the frequency so he could listen in.

"Thunderclap, Thunderclap, this is Raider, how copy?"

"Raider this is Thunderclap 2-1, flight of two A-10s loaded with twelve AGM-65s and 3000 rounds between us, we are on station and ready to party." A female voice replied.

"Roger Thunderclap, standby for Nine Line."

"Raider, this is Thunderclap, solid copy, standing by."

DuLaney checked his notes before giving the information."Thunder clap, this is Raider, Nine Line follows, IP Shield. Heading: 090 Magnetic. Distance: 5 nautical miles. Target Elevation: 5-4-5 MSL. 4 2S19s in a clearing. Grid: 480238. Marked with laser. Friendlies West 1 mile. Danger Close. Egress South East. End Nine Line, over."

"IP inbound." Thunderclap said.

"Laser armed, call contact, over." DuLaney responded.

"Contact, Thunderclap 2-1 inbound."

"Roger, solid copy, continue. Over."

"Wings Level." Thunderclap called, letting DuLaney know she had leveled off her plane and was ready to fire.

"Cleared Hot." Owen could hear the smile in DuLaney's voice.

"Roger, Maverick away, Maverick away." Thunderclap 2-1 called, telling DuLaney that she had fired two AGM-65s.

Immediately after, Thunderclap 2-2, 2-1s wingman, came on the radio, "Dash Two, wings level."

"Roger," DuLaney said, "Dash Two cleared hot."

"Maverick away, Maverick away."

DuLaney and Owen made sure the noise canceling was on turned on their headsets, Owen made sure his tac-pad was pointed at the artillery site and recording.

They saw four missiles streak towards their targets and strike the artillery line, the 2S19s erupted simultaneously sending chunks of metal flying. The sound was immediately followed by the scream of the two Warthogs engines as they banked south out of the area.

"Thunderclap 2-1 egressing south east, standing by for BDA, over."

"Roger Thunderclap 2-1, stand by..." DuLaney looked at the four slags of metal and gave Owen a fierce grin, "BDA: 100 over 100, artillery position suppressed, good shooting Thunderclap, Raider out."

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