Going Shopping

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Chapter 10: Going Shopping

Outside the dorms Owen waited for SVT to follow him. She ran out a second later.

"So," she asked, "Where do you want to go?"

Owen pulled a sheet of paper from the envelope he was holding, and handed it to her. She skimmed over it and nodded, before handing it back.

"Follow me." She ordered and began walking.

Owen raised an eyebrow and did as he was commanded. They made their way to the medical bay without a word. When they arrived, SVT stood outside the doorway not saying a word, just giving him a glare.

Owen rolled his eyes and pushed the door open, Ribey was seated at a small desk at the opposite side of the room, IV tree standing beside her, doing some paperwork. She looked up, surprise registered on her face as she saw who it was.

"Monsieur Owen, back so soon?" Her surprise turned to concern, "Is there a problem with your stitches?"

Owen held up his arm, "Nope, they're still good."

He passed the rows of beds to her desk and sat down in the chair opposite her desk and thumbed through his envelope. After he found what he was looking for, he let out an "aha!" and set it on her desk.

She picked the paperwork up and nodded, "I see," she checked a few boxes, signed the bottom, and handed it back with a smile.

"You're in luck Monsieur, I've already taken your blood today and it's on its way to the labs. There's nothing more for you to do here." she paused in thought. "Unless you get hurt again." She added teasingly.

"Knowing my luck...who knows?" He joked.

She gave a small laugh, "I would consider it a professional courtesy if you remained in one piece during the rest of your stay here."

Owen rose, "I'll try my best, have a good day."

"Merci to you as well." She said and went back to her work.

Back outside, Owen was more than a little surprised to see SVT hadn't abandoned him. He thought about saying something, but decided against it.

After a wordless trip to the finance office to make sure he would get a paycheck, and another silent trip to the supply office to pick up three uniforms, a new pair of boots, and a drop leg holster, (the female supply clerk also threw in a new chest rig to be delivered to his room after he sweet talked her) Owen had finally had enough of the cold shoulder.

"So how much longer are we going to play the quiet game, or are you just determined to silently hate me until the end times?"

SVT continued saying nothing, causing Owen's eye to twitch.

"I don't trust you." She finally confessed.

He nodded once, "Fair enough."

She was a little surprised by that, she imagined that he would try to say something to try and defend himself. Instead, he looked at his watch, frowned, then looked at SVT expectantly. She frowned in confusion before she realized he was waiting on her to lead him somewhere. She rolled her eyes.

"Where do you need to go now?" She asked as she tried, and failed, to suppress an annoyed sigh.

"Armory please!"

- Armory -

"Look man, this ain't the army. You want fancy shit? I gotta order it and you gotta pay for it, or Kalina will have my ass." The Quartermaster, Hayes, said.

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