Base Defense

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Chapter 12: Base Defense

- S09 Command and Control -

Gentiane stared at the map in front of her intently before she spoke. "First echelon, breach from the roof. Second echelon, go in on the ground level, I want you both to work your way to the middle of the building. Overwatch team, make sure that no one sneaks out of the building."

A chorus of affirmatives rang out in her headset, and she watched everyone get into position. Gentiane tapped her pen on the desk, her face tense. She saw G36's team hook up their ropes to rappel down, when a series of explosions rippled through the base and caused the feed to cut out. She tried to raise her teams on the radio but got nothing but silence. There was another explosion, and the lights were cut. After a few seconds of silence, Gentiane could hear the whistle of a mortar followed by an explosion. The sounds of gunfire could be heard outside.

- S09 Dorms -

"Give me a headcount ladies, who's still with us?" Makarov's voice rang out through the darkness. One of the mortars had struck near their dorms, blowing out a wall and causing a partial collapse. Luckily, theirs was the only group in the guest dorms before the attack.

One by one, the dolls from Outpost 17 confirmed they were still among the living.

"I'm good."

"Good over here!"

"I'm good, but my bottle is broken..."

"I'm fucked up, but I'm up.

After the confirmation, G3 could be heard, "Check your weapons for any damage, and see what we have for ammo."

She made her way over to where Makarov was standing. Makarov noticed that the right side of her head was matted in blood, making her look like a deranged killer.

"It would appear that you're bleeding." Makarov deadpanned.

G3 just smiled and ignored the comment, "We need to get everyone combat ready and get to Owen. I have a feeling we're in for a very exciting evening."

Makarov pulled her namesake out of it's holster and checked it for damage. She heard a firefight kick up nearby.

"I think you might be right."

Nines made her way to the two Echelon leaders, her face was completely devoid of emotion.

"I can't raise Owen or Gentiane. I ran a comms check, and we're the only ones I can get a signal from." She informed them.

Makarov and G3 checked as well, only to discover the same thing. One by one, the other dolls reported the same and Makarov swore.

Uzi delivered more bad news. "I don't know about you three, but I only have a basic load out."

A basic load out for a T-Doll in a secured location and not on a security detail was one magazine in their weapon, plus two extras. If they got caught up in a sustained firefight, it wouldn't take long for them to run out. G3 frowned as she weighed their options.

"Where did we store the ammo we brought with us from the raid last night?" She asked.

"Loaded in the helicopter, along with our combat gear." MP-40 replied.

"That's off the table then, if we want a chance at getting properly equipped, we need to go to the armory." Makarov thought aloud.

At the sound of her voice, the two kittens scampered out of hiding and began meowing at her. She scooped both of them up and began shushing them quietly.

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