Meet the Family (They're Unstable)

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Chapter 9: Meet the family, they're unstable

Ok, that should do it, Monsieur Owen."

Owen watched as the Doll finished stitching up his stab wound.

"That's some damn good needlework Miss Ribey, and trust me, I've had my fair share of stitches." Owen said as he flexed his fingers and looked at his arm.

Ribey gave him a gentle smile, "I can believe it, from the stories I've heard."

Owen raised an eyebrow, "Stories?"

Ribey nodded, "Oui, specifically from G36c and Uzi."

"Oh man, I almost forgot about those two. How are they doing, are they here?" Owen asked, concern coloring his tone.

"All things considered, they were a lot better off than you were." A voice said from the entrance of the medbay.

Ribey and Owen both looked towards the door and saw Kalina standing there with two cups in her hand. She made her way over to the pair.

"Bonjour, mademoiselle Kalina." Ribey greeted.

"Good morning Miss Ribey, how is your patient? Will he live?" Kalina asked as she took a sip from one of the cups.

Ribey looked Owen in the eyes before speaking, "I am afraid the Monsieur is in worse shape than even myself." She turned back to Kalina, "I regret to inform you that we must order a replacement Commandant for his small Outpost."

Kalina shook her head sadly, "It's a damn shame," she looked him over, "any last words before we cart you off to the incinerator?"

Owen nodded slowly, before looking up at the Logistics Officer, "Delete my browser history, wipe my harddrive, and don't let Persica have my body."

Ribey giggled, and Kalina broke into a grin.

She handed him one of the cups, "One last drink before Valhalla then."

Owen raised the cup in salute before taking a drink. His taste buds were met with absolute perfection. Almost as if an angel descended from the heavens and bestowed a singular gift upon the wretched earth. The gift was this cup of the most divine coffee he had ever tasted. It almost brought a tear to his eye.

"Yo, this is some serious gourmet shit." he said.

Kalina smirked, "Poetry."

Owen met her stare, and took another drink.

She rolled her eyes and turned to Ribey, "So he's all good?"

Ribey scrolled through her tablet, "Oui, so long as he contacts me if there is any sign of infection around the area."

Owen nodded, "Will do, thanks for the help Miss RibeyRolles."

Ribey gave him a polite smile, then left, pushing her IV tree in front of her as she did.

"Come on dead man," Kalina said, "The Commander wants to see you."

Owen frowned, "I wanted to check in with my team, make sure they're ok."

"Don't worry, I checked before coming over here, they're all going be fine, even the ones who were abducted." She informed him.

Owen nodded, then swung his legs off the table and stood, "Lead the way."

He followed Kalina as she navigated the halls to Gentiane's office. Kalina raised her hand to knock but paused as a wicked grin spread across her face. She turned to Owen and put her finger to her lips in a gesture for quiet, then gently pushed him away from the door. She then slammed the door open and announced, "Put your porn away and hide your undies, you dirty bachelorette, there's a gentleman present!"

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