Chapter 2: Logistics

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Chapter 2: Logistics

- Logistics Team 2 -

- Dead City -

- July 2nd 2060 -

Depressing. If there was one word Makarov would use to describe this place, it would be depressing. Then again, so was their mission, and, if she wanted to get down to it, so was their whole life since getting stationed at the Griffin and Kryuger Forward Outpost 17. Not that she would say that to her teammates, and definitely not to that mudak of a Commander.

"The only time I want to hear from a logistics team is if they actually manage to find something worth my time." He had told her yesterday, without even looking up from his paperwork. That had been an hour before they stepped off for the week-long trip.

So here they were, in a city so completely ruined by the last war that no human stepped foot here since, unless it was to loot for scraps or for a secret meeting.

She sighed and checked the crumbling war time map of the area.

"We're going the wrong way." One of her teammates, Nagant told her as she checked the cylinder of her namesake.

Makarov scowled, "How could you possibly know that? You outdated relic," She paused to think, "And how could we be going the wrong way if we don't even have a destination?"

Nagant pouted, "You really should learn to respect your elders you know, especially a seasoned veteran like myself."

"If I see someone worthy of my respect, they will most certainly have it." Makarov snapped.

"Hmph, you're in a mood."

Makarov sighed again, "Is there something you need?"

Nagants red eyes lit up suddenly, "Oh yeah! SVT wants to show you something! AK-47 and SKS are already with her!"

Makarov paused for a moment, before letting Nagant lead her from an abandoned storefront, to a vehicle that had a section of rusted concertina wire wrapped around the tires. SKS and AK-47 were sitting in the doorless vehicle, passing a bottle between them, and chatting merrily about all the places they would go if they fixed the vehicle. Makarov stood in front of the vehicle and glared at them.

"Ah dammit, it's the boss." AK-47 said, before trying to hide the bottle of vodka under her seat.

Makarov continued to glare as she spoke, "I've told you before not to drink while we're on a mission. If I catch you again, I'll have your cores as trophies."

SKS raised a finger thoughtfully, "Technically you said we couldn't drink while in combat. We're as far from combat as one can get currently."

Nagant giggled, "She's got you there."

Makarov was not amused, "What if Doll snatchers show up, eh? You think they'll patiently wait for you to stash your bottle and bring your guns up to fight back?" She shook her head, "Just because we're in the middle of nowhere, doesn't mean we can make the mistake of being complacent. If you want to pass the bottle around when we make camp, that's fine, as long as you're not on watch. But until then, at least try to act like the trained professionals I know you can be."

Makarov stormed past them to the rear of the vehicle, where she found SVT hunched over something at the base of the gunner's position. She gave a brief cry of triumph before Makarov cleared her throat, causing the Rifle doll to spin around.

"Ah, Comrade Makarov, I sent for you ages ago."

Makarov gave a shrug, "I was just now made aware of your request, what have you found."

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