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Chapter 19: Reminiscence

One week after Incident at Sector 12

- Unknown Location -

- Team 404 -

"I'll be glad when this contract is over, I'm not a big fan of working for a Sangvis ringleader." UMP 9 confessed aloud.

"Of course not," HKM4 snapped, "because it's a bad idea that's sure to get us all killed."

"That's why I brought you here to protect everyone." UMP 45 teased, "time to finally prove your worth."

The team sat under the moonlight in what remained of a roadside gas station in the middle of nowhere that had clearly fallen victim to a massive firefight. Judging by the skeletons out front that were still wearing their old uniforms, the battle had been a forgotten affair by whichever side lost.

"She's here." G11 called out to them from her perch atop the roof of the gas station, "East side, she's brought a friend."

UMP 45 turned and saw Alchemist waving to them like old friends as she approached. Scarecrow was content to glare at everyone and remain silent.

"Do you have what I asked for?" Alchemist asked when she was closer.

UMP 45 pulled a small thumb drive from a jacket pocket and held it up, "Everywhere Zhenka's been, including his main base of operations, and where he was during the attack on Sector Twelve."

Alchemist started to move closer to retrieve the thumb drive but HK 416 snapped her rifle up, "That's close enough Sangvis scum."

Scarecrow flicked her wrist and one of her drones was airborne in an instant.

Alchemist rolled her eye, "Are we really going to do this again?"

"Just observing formalities." UMP 45 said, her eyes shining mischievously, "but you're not getting this until we confirm payment."

"Give it a minute." Alchemist told her.

"Annnnd, payment received and…hold on." UMP 9 frowned as she trailed off.

"Did she try to underpay us?" HK 416 asked frostily, "Because then that will give me a reason to put a bullet through her last eye."

"The opposite actually," UMP 9 looked at Alchemist in confusion, "she overpaid us, by a lot."

"Feeling charitable?" UMP 45 sneered as she tossed the data to the ringleader.

Alchemist nimbly plucked the thumb drive out of the air and handed it to Scarecrow before producing one of her own.

"Not at all," she explained, "I have one more delivery for you to make."

"Do it yourself," HK 416 snapped, "we're not a courier service."

"We are for the amount she just paid us." UMP 9 quipped.

"I would, but it needs to get to the commander of Sector Nine," Alchemist explained as she tossed the thumbstick to UMP 45.

UMP 45 held the drive up and examined it, "Trying to get us to sabotage the enemy?"

"Not at all," Alchemist said, "In fact, it would be very beneficial to my enemy."

UMP-45 and HK416 shared a look as she pocketed the drive, "Fine, but this is the last job we do for you."

Alchemist nodded, "Of course, after this we both must go on playing our roles."

With that, Alchemist and Scarecrow left the team standing alone in the abandoned building.

"She's creepy." G11 yawned from the roof, "I'm going back to sleep now."

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