Violence is the Answer

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Chapter 18:

Violence is the Answer

"It's weird, I always knew that dying was a possibility, that it could happen, but always to someone else. I usually was the reason it happened to someone else, but…" an annoyed huff, "here we are, with me dying, not you, so stop acting so dramatic."


M3 and Spectre watched as G3's team lifted off of the ground, leaving them behind.

"W-well, now what do we do?" M3 asked as she watched the Huey bank and dive below the rooftops.

"I guess we help with cleanup?" Spectre responded with a shrug.

"Not so fast, comrades." AK-47 said as she wrapped an arm around each of them, "Grigori has a job we might be interested in, let's go."

Ten minutes later Team 2, minus Makarov and SVT, were standing around a map and listening to a hastily made plan that had been drawn up by Artom and Grigori.

"So if we take out the generator here," Spectre pointed to a spot that had been circled with grease, "we take out the entire SAM network?"

Grigori nodded, "It is part of an old self automated defense system that was designed to operate during a worst case scenario," he explained.

"Once activated," Artem took over, "It will fire at any aircraft not carrying a certain IFF transponder, and since these particular transponders haven't existed since the end of the war…" he shrugged, "it is open season for them, as the phrase goes."

"Since Sangvis is the one who activated it, I would assume that they still have some guards there, da?" AK-47 asked.

Grigori nodded, "That is my guess as well, and why I wanted to ask for your help."

"Do we g-get to use more explosives?" M3 asked with a sparkle in her eye.

Grigori's face split into a huge grin as Artem dropped a green canvas bag on the table. M3 opened the bag and tried to contain a squeal of delight as she realized it was stuffed full of C-4.

He is lying in the hayloft of the unused barn next to his house. He pretends not to hear his parents yell at each other about the pregnancy test that would announce the coming arrival of his sister.

"It's bad enough with one fucking leech around here and now I have to deal with another thanks to your drunken ass." His mother screams before his father has a chance to say anything.

He hears the sound of punches land, and can picture the look on his father's face as he takes the hits and does nothing to defend himself. His father takes the hits, so that he does not.

He closes his eyes, and tells himself not to cry, that it is a weakness to cry.

Tears fall down his face.

He is too weak.

A voice whispers to him, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you."

The scene disappeared and Owen felt like he was drifting through the void. It was quiet, calm. It was peaceful. He forgot what that was like. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this way.

The void shifts, he is lying on a raft as it floats gently down a creek. He is sixteen, drunk, has no idea where he is and that's okay, wherever the raft takes him, will be his new home.

The scene dissolved and Owen is back in the void. He wondered if this was his 'life flashing before his eyes'.

The void shifts again, it's night outside and he's sitting in the jump seat of a Blackhawk. He cheated death, he is one of the few that did. He wants to forget what happened, even for a moment. This is the reason Colette is straddling him, she lets out a moan as he kisses her neck. She grabs his head and pulls it into her chest.

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