5 - Bad morning🌞

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I woke with start and took my phone from the table beside the bed.

What!! 7.35am..! I have to be in my office in 25 minutes! Shit..

I got ready in lightning speed that is in15 minutes. Wow! Things we can do with adrenaline rush!

I chose a plain dark blue bodycon dress with v-neck. I wore only golden earrings as accessories to match my dress. I usually prefer minimal makeup for my everyday routine but lipstick is a must. I love my lipstick collections from pink, red, purple and nude colours. Today i applied nude colour lipstick with mascara to make my eyes pop. I let my hair loose and put on cream colour heels and looked at myself in the mirror.

Well... simple but sexy... You look fantastic babe. But now you must hurry.. or Jabberwocky will burn you alive....

I grabbed the milk from the fridge, poured some into a bottle and grabbed some left over cookies from yesterday and rushed to my car.

I was driving while eating the cookies.. i know this is bad habbit but i cant help it.. I'm in a rush... excuses.. excuses.. sorry don't follow my habbits.. but breakfast is very essential to me. Breakfast always makes my mornings cheerful, particularly during weekends where i can enjoy them with my parents. I can't think of one food i love from my mom's cooking. Anything and everything she make is my favourite.

My dad is a pro in making dinner. From chicken, fish, lamb to vegetables, anything you name it he can make it better. I didnt mentioned pork or beef because I don't know why but i hate them so my family don't eat those. He had his own style in cooking. Never follows anybody's rules and i love that about him. Just thinking about them brought smile to lips. They are always the best. Parents are God gifts to us when we were born.

Finally, i rushed into the parking lot to park my car. I was concentrating in parking my car into my spot that i didn't realise there is another car trying to make it into the same spot. Before my leg hit the brake..


All that happened in a wink of an eye.. It took me a second to realize that my car bumped into another car. I slowly came out of my car to inspect the damages. There is no visible damages just a few scratches on both cars actually.

Thank God for that.. Wait a minute, this is my spot. I didn't bump into that car... It came the wrong way.. You son of a porcupine!!

I turned towards the offensive car to give a piece of mind to that driver and was shocked to find that he didn't even have the courtesy to come out the car to apologize.
The nerve!

I went near the car and knocked on the car window. It's fully tinted, I can't even see the stupid driver is a he or she. I knocked furiously and called him (assuming its a he) to come out. When the car door open with force, i jump to a meter distance to prevent getting hit by the car door.

Then i saw a woman getting out of the car and sending arrows through her glare towards my direction. Ouch! That hurts! I glared back at her just to infuriate her more.

She is a blonde with pale skin. She was kind of beautiful but her face was covered in heavy makeup. Her dress is red and in my opinion its really provocative for an office wear. I don't think she works here, a visitor perhaps.

"How dare you bump into my car? Do you know how much this car cost? Losers like you can never afford luxury like this. You.."

"Shut up you tahu kering face!" I cut her off. "You think you can just bring your stupid car and park at other people's spot? Who do you think you are? You made the mistake and you didn't even apologize. It's bad enough that I have to handle 1 jerk in this office everyday but I have to deal with you too... "

I shouted at the top of lungs and I'm hyperventilating with anger. Then, to my dismay i realized that I have drawn crowd by all the yelling.

Oops! What have you done Gracey!!

She was so surprised that she was regarding me with such shocked expression, her mouth hanging open. I am not the kind to simply shout at anyone especially strangers but i had a really disturbing dream, barely slept last night and woke up late and.. i didn't even have a proper breakfast..and i didn't bid goodbye to my parents. They know i was rushing so they don't mind if I didn't bid them. But I always have to see my parents faces before i go out. It's like a good luck charm to get blessings from my parents before i go anywhere. I already texted my mom saying I'm late for office when I dashed out of my home. They were still sleeping, exhausted from yesterday's celebration.

Today is a really bad day.. So, don't mess with me..

From the corner of my eye, i saw some movement at the opposite side of the car. Someone opened the passenger side door. Too late that I realized that someone was my boss, the one and only Mr.JAVION with the world's best grimmest face glowering at me.

Oh.My.God! Jabberwocky is going to kill me..

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