19 - Ka Boom💥 vs Ka Chow⚡

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"Damn it!" He receded from me swearing while rubbing his injured thigh. In a second his facial expression changed from confusion to anger.

"What was that for?" He hissed trying to keep his volume down to make sure no one hears us. His eyes murderous and his hands absently rubbing the injured area.

What else did he expect? I did pinched him hard... But next time it won't be just a pinch.. I'll break his manhood if he even think to try anything funny... Just because i find him handsome.. No..Wrong! Just because I once found him handsome doesn't mean he could talk to me like that. I should have kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. I heard its very painful and i want to kick him there but i restraint myself because he didn't do anything to earn it....yet... I'll save it for later suprises.

"Get out." Unable to glance at his face any longer, I turned my back to him. He stood there for a while staring at my back. I feared he is going to confront me about what happened but he left my cabin without a word.

I nearly collasped on my chair. My head is aching badly.

The magic was broken just like that.

"I can't believe this. Why does good looking man like him has to be a pervert? I'm so ashamed that i was attracted to him once. He is like "Hey! I'm Jovion. Look at me! I'm a billionaire, handsome, playboy and a genius... I'm so perfect that women fell at my feet... Call me! Ka chow!!!(I mimicked him sarcastically while rolling my eyes) My first impression was right, he is ugly... very ugly... ungly from the inside. Now when i think of him in my mind i can only see a lecher with no morals who only use women like sexual objects. Who would want that? I'll never give up my pride for anything or anyone. I deserved to be treated as a human and respected as a woman..." I shut my mouth when i realized I'm talking loudly to myself.

It hurts... that he thought of me like that. That I'll jump into his bed just like that...

But why?

I don't know... but the sentence.. his seductively whispered words still echoing in my mind...

I want you...

That jerk! The unprincipled lecherous perverted jerk!

JJJ's pov

What is wrong with her? Any other woman i knew would have jumped at the first chance to grab this opportunity. Not that i have ask anyone like that. But why not? I knew from the way she stare at me that she likes me. I thought she will not hesitate to come with me. But no...she didn't...because she is an idiot! And whats more embarrassing is she pinched me! She pinched me! My God! I was not pinched since i was 6...

I'm still pacing in my cabin after half-an-hour. My left thigh is still painful. What posses her do such things? Piching?? For God sake! It's very childish! It's going to bruise badly and my finely pressed suit is ruined because of her. I hate even a tiny wrinkle on my clothes. I went to change into a new spare suit in my cabin. There is a attached room to my cabin for my personal use. The perks of being a boss i guess.

At least I'm grateful that she didn't kick my balls!

I opened the invisible door in my cabin which leads to my personal room. Its not actually invisible though just camouflaged between the row of books around my cabin. My cabin is surrounded by bookshelfs. I can't see anything through the window because there is no window. My table is in the middle and facing the tinted double glass door to my cabin so i can see whose outside but no one can see me from the outside. Behind me is the build in bookshelfs hiding the windows behind them. The book racks are extended to the left side forming a 'L' shaped design. There is a round sofa and a mini table for personal guests or private meeting located at my right. Everything in my cabin is matched to my bookshelf colours which are dark brown. There are multiple lights attached to the ceilings that i can change colour according to my mood. White for brighter environment when I'm working, yellow when I'm in a good mood, and dim orange when I'm having a headache or needed rest.

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