10 - Spicy Food & Fight😋

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"Oh my god.. Ace, stop it will you? I should have known when you persuaded me to come here. You are going to have gastritis if you don't stop."

Louella came to my desk for lunch break. I suggested this Indian restaurant near to my office. All day i was craving for something savoury. But after the incident at that jerk's office, I'm beyond control.

This is how i can calm myself when I'm furious.. I punish my tongue and my stomach by eating spicy food. Not just mild but extreme spicy food until fluids came out from my eyes and nose accompanied by invisible smoke from my mouth. I know it's bad habit but i can't help it. Spicy food are delicious and they magically soothes me.

"Did you know how rude he was to me.. that too in front of his friends lollipop, i can't take this.. if I don't do this I'll go crazy.." i said while devouring a spoon full of briyani rice. They serve the best briyani in town. Today i ask them to make it extra spicy because i needed this.

"What happened to you? This morning you gave us a show in the parking lot and.."

"Oh my god!" The spoon fell from my fingers..

"Did you saw that, Lol?"

"We all did. It was very entertaining and spicy just like this briyani.." Lol said while grinning.

"Ohhh.." i closed my eyes feeling mortified.

"Oh yeah i wanted to ask you something?"

"What ?" I mumbled opening my eyes.

"What is 'tauhu kering' face anyways? I never heard of that name."

I can't help but giggle at that memory.

"I called her that didn't I. It was funny.. and to answer your question, 'tauhu kering' is an Asian dish i tried last year and hated instantly. You know how much i love Asian cuisine but that is an exception. Also her face did looked like it at some point." I begin to devour my food.

"Stop eating like an ogre... You know you will get choked if don't slow down. Whatever he said it will pass okay.. you will forget it eventually.."

"I know... (while munching). But will they forget it?" I looked at her hopelessly.


"Oli and Ben. His closest friends working with him. He make me feel like a lowlife"

"How were they? Arrogant like him?"

"Ohh NO.. they are so friendly and charming. They even ask me to call them by their nicknames. I suppose they are fun to work with. They are very easy on the eyes too... Can't wait to work with them, Loa..." I said excitedly.

"Maybe you could introduce me to them, so that i can figure out how cool they are for myself."

"Sure babe... I'm famished..."

"Well yeah! You literally ate everything on the menu.."

"No i did not. I left out some to try later.. u know... when he will annoy me again later.." i mumbled.

"Okay babe.. let's get back.."


We went to our office. God I'm so full.. I'll vomit for sure if I see his face again today. I opened my cabin door.

Woah... what can i say, life is full of surprises.

The devil was waiting for me in my cabin. Here we go again...

I stopped at the door and returned his eye contact. After few seconds i entered as if nothing happened and got back to doing my work. He can do whatever he wants. I'm going to do my best to ignore him.

I know he was saying something but i didn't hear a thing and i continued to work on the laptop. He was standing behind my chair so i can't see his expressions. I know he was pissed because i didn't react to anything he was saying but continuously shaking my head.

Then he came infornt of my desk and 'bangggg!!' he slammed his hands on my desk loudly to get my attention. Only then he realised that i was listening to songs on my earpods. He didn't notice them at first because of my loose hair.

Oh man!! You should look at your face!

He was flabbergasted and i giggled out loud at his facial expression. Then his face changed to fury.. He unceremoniously pulled my left earpod and glared at it. He brought it close to his ear. The volume was very high so he can actually hear the music from outside from the earpods. He frowned at what i was listening and raised his right eyebrow at me..

"Seriously.. Techno??"

I shrugged. "It helps.. sometimes.. when I'm angry.."

He breathed out soundly and said, "Didn't I tell you not to ignore me.. I was telling some important stuff and you missed everything."

"No i didn't.. i got them right here." I showed him voice recorder app in my phone.

"The music you were listening to?"


"Why are you recording it when u can hear it straight from me now?"

"Because i don't want to hear your voice or see your face now."

"What? I'm your boss.. where is your respect?"

"I think i lost it.. maybe it's in your cabin Julien." I said sassily.

"What?? I am your boss.. i told you I'll not tolerate disrespect. I'll fire you," he thundered.

I stood up from chair and scowl at him. How dare he show his face to me after what he has done? I'll show him what i think of him and his audacity. The nerve! To judge me for my choice of songs! It's already pretty bad when he invade my privacy when he pulled my earpod and listened to my songs. I don't care anymore. Briyani make me think about a lot of things.

The conclusion is that if he will let me resign then i will force him to fire me. I will give all sorts of trouble until he can't handle that anymore and he will do anything to get rid of me. Yeah.. that's it.

"You think i care. Who would want to work with someone like you? Fire me for all I care... You are an arrogant, egoistical, irritating jerk! You! You! You! I called you a jerk in the parking lot and now im calling you a tri- jerk! I just want to get away from you.." i shouted back.

His nose was flaring. I know i have crossed the line. I shouldn't have called him a jerk and really shouldn't have shouted like a Banshee... When he spoke his voice was showing uncontrollable fury.

"Grace, why don't you try to get away from me now..." He murmured dangerously while advancing toward me..

Mr. J for a BossDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora