16 - Thank You Universe🤯

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I opened my eyes abruptly. I had a dream but I can't remember it. Should be some crazy dream. I always have crazy dreams. I took my phone from the table next to me and double tapped it to view the lock screen.

06.00... hmmm.. i woke up early... Maybe i should sleep a little longer..

I tried to close my eyes and have this sudden urge to pee. I made some whining noise. I untangled myself from the blanket and went straight to the bathroom, my eyes still closed.

Hmmmm... so sleepy..

I was thinking of falling asleep again then i did something that made the world swirl around me.. you guess that right I banged my head on the wall..

Damn it... Who put you here?

I scolded the wall and turn to go to the bathroom, my eyes slightly open and "bang!" My stupid sleepy head hit the bathroom door. My eyes fully opened as I rubbed my forehead and I'm awake as no more sleepiness left in me...

I should take my bath now. So much for a Friday morning! Thanks universe!

I opened the shower and ice cold water splash on me making me to hiss and shiver.

What happened to hot water? Oh no! I can't shower in this... This is still early in the morning...

I have to boil some pipe water and brought it in a pail in order to take my morning shower. I hate to wake my parents in the morning and I'm matured enough to handle mundane things like this so i didn't disturb them.

After taking the most uncomfortable shower in the world i wore my favourite yellow skirt and black top. Then, i was ready for work.

Nope.... Breakfast first...

I went down to the kitchen to make some waffles. I love waffles with peanut and chocolate spread. I chopped up some fresh strawberries and bananas to go with the waffles. I saw my parents came out of their room for breakfast and made extra waffles for them.

Yehhhh!! We are going to have breakfast together... Woahhh.. when was the last time we had breakfast as a happy family? It seems like a long time ago...

"Good morning my dear parents...." I sang excitedly grinning like a child on Christmas morning. What can i say? My mornings are busy nowadays, mainly because I am waking up late and..... Nothing else.. I'm waking up late.. that's it.

"Good morning Gracie Lou.." my parents said together.

I glared playfully and pouted my lips at them.

"Wow.. waffles! someone is in the mood.. anything special today honey?"

"Nothing mom.. i woke up early and made breakfast.. also i missed my world best waffles!"

"Smells good darling.. taste amazing too.." my dad said as he started eating the waffles.

I kissed my dad's cheeks as the way to say thanks and kissed my mom's cheeks too as she gave me a jealous frown.

"So Gracie baby.. how's work? Your mom said you have a new boss.."

"Oh! It's all good dad... my boss is handsome but a cruel, rude and small-minded person... oh yeah and mom thinks i in love with him.." i simply said and continued eating.

I can't stop giggling when i saw my dad was scowling at my mother.

Yup... Dad is very protective and possessive when it come to other man in my life. Marriage or boyfriend topics are totally restricted in this house also in my life... until I'm 26 which i am now... So dad probably forgot that I have grown up... I peaked expectantly at mom and found that she was annoyed with me.

To spice things up, I asked my mom innocently, "Isn't that what you said yesterday mom..." I blinked my eyes twice.

"What is the meaning of this Gemma? You know she is not ready.. she.."

"When will she ever be ready Bruce? She is old enough to handle all this... You know she have to get marry sometime.."

"She is just 26.."

"Exactly! If you didn't let her find a man now then in what age will she wed? 40?"

"I don't mean it like that.. everything is going so fast... I can't trust men these days and she is my baby.. i don't want her to get hurt.." my dad mumbled sulkingly.

"You think i would want that for our baby? But you have to let her choose for herself. We want someone to look after her when we are not with her right?"

"Ehemmm.. huh huh (fake coughing) I am still here and I am not literally a baby.. I can take care of myself. Besides I wouldn't trust other man to take better care of me... Basically i don't need a man or marriage for that.." i said while clearing the plates.

"That's my girl!" Said my dad proudly.

"See! It's all your doing. She is not attracted to guys.." i heard my mom whispering furiously.

"Oh God... Mom i told you it's not like that.. i need to feel something.. i needed something... A thing.. that will make me believe that he is the man for me and trust him with my life... And... Love..... (Sighing) i have to go... See you guys later.." i existed the door with flying kisses.

I got inside my car and turn on the ignition. What happened? Why my car is not starting? Oh God! I'm gonna be late even if i woke up early..

Classic Evelyn!...

"Don't do this honey.. please.. what happened? You were alright yesterday..." Then I remembered.. Mr. Athur, Julien's driver brought my car home.

"What did he do to you? Arrrrhhhh I'm so going to kill both of them!" I tried checking and changing some settings in the car but no use. My called my dad to see if he could fix it but he gave up after 10 minutes then called the mechanics.

But I can't wait that long. I hate driving my dad's old car. A cab is going to take ages to come and pick me up. That left me with only one option. Option B...
But i need to change my clothes first and.....

Thank you Universe!

I quickly changed into black pants, grey top, my favourite burgundy leather jacket and black boots.

It's been a while since I last rode my baby. After explaining the situation to my parents,  i gathered the important stuff from my car and rushed to the garage behind my house. I opened the garage to view my baby a.k.a Harley-Davidson Sportster proudly standing and waiting for me. I put on black helmet and adjusted the strap of my leather crossbody bag which contains all my personal stuff. It's time for the biker Grace Evelyn Emerson.....

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