21 - Old pals🌞🌚

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Have you ever heard of Shit Life Syndrome? Well.. its possible that you've never heard of it cause i just invented it which pretty much my life right now figuratively speaking, at least my day is. Here, I am sitting in the table with my parents and two gentlemen as my mom delightfully pointed out both glaring at each other since they met. My mom wasn't convinced that i already killed myself, seeming as i am still breathing she is determined to torture me to death by enticing Mr. Tri Jerk and Mr. Devil to stay for dinner. And what's more interesting is..


.....Approximately 5 minutes ago.........

"Would you join us for tea?"

"It's okay Mrs. Emerson i was just..." He stopped when he heard laugher coming from the house.

"You have guests, Miss Emerson?" He glimpsed at me enquiringly.

"Oh yes.. He is Grace's childhood friend and was our neighbor once. He just came back from Australia after 8 years and came here for a visit. Such a good boy Adrian!" My mom's enthusiastic answer stopped me from replying Mr. Jovian.

If i want to change one thing about my mother, that would be this. Giving strangers unwanted informations, more than what is necessary. For example, when Mr. Jovian asked "you have guests?" She could have answered "Yes! so GO away!"... But no... My mom love to explain everything... Like the name of the guest, the fact that he was our neighbor and my friend who just got back from Australia.. bla bla bla... I'm very sure that she will not stop at that if i didn't interfere. So i started to intervene but he interrupted first.

"Adrian? Adrian Grey?" He raised his eyebrows in an unbelievable manner.

"Yes! Do you know him? He was Grace's best friend and we thought he will become our future son-in-law. They were so cute together but that was 8 years ago before he decided to go to Australia and broke my little baby's heart...."

For that his reaction was immediate. Like he was surprised and shocked then angry. His glare was almost like accusing. It's not like we are lovers and I cheated on him... He don't even have to know about my past let alone react to it.

Oh God... This is so embarrassing..

"Mom.. enough!" I tried not to break my teeth by grinding them too hard.

"Would you like to come in and say hello?" That was my eager mom inviting Mr. Jovian for tea.

"Mom.. I'm sure he is too busy for that. Please go inside and I'll join you after i said Goodbye to Mr. Jovian".

"Actually... I would love some tea if you don't mind Mrs. Emerson. It was rather a stressful day." He completely ignored me and came inside when my mom opened the door fully with sheer excitement for him to enter. There is only one thing I can do. That is to follow them quitely while there is volcano erupting inside me.

Thank you Universe!

When Mr. Jovian entered the dining room Adrian didn't show any indication that he recognised him. In his face laughter was still lingering from talking to my dad.

"Ohhh.. Adrian... Don't you want to say hello to your friend Mr. Jovian?" My mom asked.

The humour immediately left Adrian's face and his face became solemn. Then very slowly he stood up from his chair and came toward us.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Julien.." Adrian's face shows anything but pleasure.

"The pleasure is all mine, Hello Adrian." Mr. Jovian's face was like granite that would crack any minute when he clasped Adrian's hand in a firm hand shake. It ended as soon as it started.

"You two know each other?" That was the curious me.

Adrian turned his face from Julien and smiled lazily when he glanced at me.

"Yeah... We went to school together."

Well that was news..

"Ohh..so you were old pals??" I asked.

They both were still trying to win a stare contest completely ignoring me while i was waiting for a continuation of their past life. Mr. Jovian's eyes were trying to burn Adrian with smoldering intensity whereas Adrian's were mocking with a smile.

When the house gone completely silent due to their staring, Mr. Jovian broke the eye contact from Adrian and looked at me. And i turned my attention to my dad who has a puzzled but very impressed look on his face while glancing at Mr. Jovian. My dad loves when a man knows how to dress up. And clearly Mr. Jovian is born to do it..

So i cleared my throat and introduced Mr. J to my dad..

"Ehemmm.. dad this is Mr. Julian Jovian, my boss... Sir, this is my dad, Mr. Emerson...."

I heard a shock gasp from my father.

"Julien! Wow.. i always wanted to name my son Julien..."


That was me... Did my dad just say he wanted to name his son????

To be continued...

For further embarrassment...

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