22. 😳😡🤢🥶💀

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Have you watched "The Emoji Movie? Remember how the lead character, Meh's expression change according to his emotions? That's exactly how my face is changing right..

Dear God,
I have suffered today for the karma of every embarrassment that i might caused others, intentionally and unintentionally. So please help..... End this whole day for good.

We are having dinner. My father sitting at the head of the table with my mom on his right and Mr. J on his left. I'm sitting next to Mr. J and Dev is next to my mom. My mom was giggling about everything Dev was telling her and my dad was engrossed in a serious discussion with Mr. J about... Everything! From football to food to business management to music and so on. I wouldn't be surprised even if they discussed about rock formations that happened a million years ago. And all of them completely ignored me except for Mr. J who I'm pretty sure is very well aware of what is going through my head right now even if he is not engaging with me.

I am already traumatised about teatime and this feeling will last me for an eternity. I wish i can stop time and to take a break before dinner. I really should give credit to Mr. J for he is not at all affected by what is happening. He didn't even react much when my father said he want to name his unborn son 'Julian'. He merely smiled and said how much his father was obsessed with that name since he was 18. He was always watching me like he want to see how I'll react by giving me sideway glances. For an example, when my mom asked him if he is married or engaged, or about his parents, his hobbies, favourite food, music among other things. Even i was surprised about how much he want to share about his personal life. He was totally different to my parents. He was very polite, smiling, face soft like he want to encourage a conversation with my parents. Totally different from Mr. J i have known with annoying smirks and frowns.....

Except when he looked at me.. he will raise his eyebrows slightly as if challenging or mocking me when my mom shared about my favourite things. It's disturbing how much he have won over my parents in 1 day... more like in an hour.

Oh God, I totally forgot about Dev who suddenly turned quite after the initial fun comments about mom's burnt cookies 8 years ago. Was he annoyed about how easily Mr. Jovian took control of the conversation during dinner? Because before dinner was over he excuced himself of a forgotten meeting with someone. Which left my family with Mr. J.

When it was time for Mr. J to go i was pretty sure that my parents wish he would stay a little longer or stay overnight or forever... Because he won them over in few hours that they will even say 'yes' if he asked for my hand in marriage.. Just saying!

Then fate started to play football with my life as in kicked me like a football...


"What! No way! No ma, you cant make me do this.." i said glaring at my mother. Sure i love my mom but sometimes she can be insufferable with her good intentions.

"Do you want me or your dad to go? Ride that big as a cow size bike of yours? You know the neighbors just borrowed our car yesterday to go a wedding, they said they will be back by tomorrow. If not i or your father would have driven our car." My mom said keeping the hands on her hip.

Okay... First of all, calling my baby bike as cow is offensive. She has some masculine super awesome body but not as bike as a cow!

Second, my mom expect me to give a ride back home to Mr. J! Yeah you heard me right. She expects Me!! To give a ride back home to Him!!!!!!!!

A few minutes ago...

Mr. J said good byes to my parents while perfectly ignoring me and got out of my house. Before i can draw a big sigh over today's event he came back in and informed us in his stupid husky voice that he can't find his car keys. Really!! (Eye roll)

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