7 - Contracts & compulsions🔗

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I went to his table and put the coffee cup with a force that made the coffee to spill on his table. His head turned from the laptop screen and his eyes slowly focused on the spilled coffee and very slowly followed towards my face. His right eyebrow lifted questioningly.

"What more excuses you have this time? I know you are my boss but there is a limit to everything. My job here did not include making your stupid coffee! If you want better coffee then you can find yourself a barista and stop wasting my time..."

When he didn't answer or react to my outburst, I shouted at him, "Why are you even doing this? What do you want?"

I was so angry that i barely realize the fact that he is standing right in front of me in seconds..

When did he stood up from his seat?

And came toward me?

He just stood there looking at me.. I returned his glare with all the anger boiling inside me cause i dont even care of he fire me from this job. Slowly he relaxed his posture and crossed his arms together..

"Miss Emerson, it seems to me that you lacked respect toward strangers and patience in conversations... So i thought as your boss it is my responsibility to make sure that you learn and practice them in your life."

"What??? Is this some kind of a joke? You were punishing me for the morning incident by wasting my time and food ingredients just so i learn about respect? What about her? It was her mistake to come the wrong way.. and she didn't even apologize! Just because you are acquainted with her, everything she did was right?"

"That 'she' is one of the share holder of this company.. so she can use or make way for her car as she wants. You are an employee Miss Emerson. Which means you have no say in who is right and whose wrong. You will apologize to her tomorrow after the meeting with Mr.Chang. Do you understand?"

Did he just said "You have NO SAY!! What the hell.. He was standing pretty close to me. I really want to scream at him but i was momentarily distracted by his strong cologne. Damn you Grace! Get yourself together!

"If this is the way you treat your employees, like some slaves who have no right to anything except blindly follow what you order then I will happily quit this godforsaken job. Thank you but no thank you Mr. Julien Joshua Javion. May you and your principles ROT in He... ehmm... somewhere unpleasant."

Everything i said was perfect except for that stammering in the end. I left his office with that cutting remake. I didn't say 'rot in hell' because i couldn't bring myself to curse him to his face like that.

Or i didn't actually want him rot..

Stop!! What are you thinking Gracie.. this guy is devil reincarnated.. who cares if anything happens to him.. Okay. Maybe you dont want him suffer because of your humanity but not because you are attracted to him or something.. no.. NO WAY! Don't fall for that look. Looks can be deceiving.. look at his rotten heart!

I was busily talking to myself loudly that i didn't realize he has followed me to my cabin.
Think of the devil.....

He just stood there leaning against the cabin door while looking oddly at me. Did he heard what i said?? Shit.... Damn me and my stupid loud monologues..

"Ehemm.. what are you doing here?"

"Miss Emerson, I advice you to think of the consequences before you start yelling at me. I cannot and will not tolerate disrespectful attitude twice from anyone. Do you hear me?" He said as he advanced towards my desk.

"Oh, don't worry Mr. Javion, you will not see me again so don't bother about my attitude cause I'm leaving right now." Smiling sweetly, I rose from my chair taking my stuff with me.

I was so shocked when i felt a strong arm reach out to grasped my shoulder and push me into my chair none too gently. Before i got over the shock and start screaming he put a file infont of me that i recognize instantly.

"As i told you, you will think of the consequences of breaching the contract you signed before you disrespect me."

"What are you talking about? I didn't breach the contact.." I asked him in a confused voice.

"Miss Emerson, you shouldn't sign a contract without reading it thoroughly. Let me give you the details. According to the contact, all employees at our company are required to work at least a year and allowed to resign only if the employer approved. Any employee who resign without the CEO's concern will be prosecuted and taken under custody for enquiries for safety purposes of the company.. As i was saying, you will work for me until i say you can leave or if i fire you. So, you have worked nearly four 4 months and promoted to personal assistant which is pretty impressive. You do not lack talent. But unfortunately that is not enough if you want to work for Mr Javion.." he said while pointing at himself.

I kept looking at him my mouth hanging open.

"Well, if there are no questions then you can get back to work after you apologize to me.... Which is NOW!"

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