9 - Mr. BH & Mr. OL🙈🙉

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JJJ's pov

I was still pondering on what happened with her just now, when my cabin door unceremoniously open. Only one person in whole wide world would dare to interrupt me without my permission and that is my best friend, Ben.

"Hey bro, look who decided to show up!" Ben said with a wide grin and nodded at the open door.

It wouldn't take a genius to work out who would appear through that doorway. There he stood non the other than Oliver in short, Oli.

They are the my only friends I had since collage as i am not very close to my other school friends. They were always there for me when i needed them. They know how to read my mood. I never feel comfortable with any others like them. We disagree on almost all the things and often argue to prove our points. But at the end of the day, they will always be there for me..

Ben and Oli brought out the best in me and encourage me to take risks to achieve my goals. Ben is also the legal advicer of my company. Oli owns a company and partnered with my company for years now. Because of that Ben will be with me constantly and Oli always disappears because of his foreign country dealings.

"Hey guys," i said unimpressed while still distracted with the glass incident. Thank god, i didn't hurt myself.

"Come on bro, why that long face? Bored already? I thought you settled in nicely.. also you can escape to our company's other branches any moment."

"It's not that Ben."

"Jul, is something wrong with financing? Together our company shares skyrocketed last month bro. What are you even worried about? Thinking of trying new projects already?" asked Oli.

"Guys! I'm fine. This is not company related. I'm just confused about something. That's all.."

"Woah!! You are confused? You mean Mr. Tri-J is confused? We should celebrate Oli... Julien is a human after all.." chuckled Ben.

"Stop it, Ben. I have a lot of work. Why are you both here? There is no meeting scheduled with you today."

"You mean we can't visit our friend when we wanted. Do we need to get your appointment first? I came all the way from Venice to see you bro. Is this the way you treat your beloved friends?? Words hurt bro.."

"Stop the drama Oli. Fine you guys want to hang out right. I will ask my assistant to bring coffee okay?"

"Is she hot?" Asked Ben.

"Shut up, Ben" at that moment I was seriously considering smashing my friend's face to the wall.

I called Grace and asked her to bring 3 coffee. While Oli was babbling about boring tales of his Venice's trip, the door opened. There she was, my assistant holding 3 cups of coffee.

"Good morning sir. Here is your coffee."

She said with professional smile and put the tray with coffee cups infront of me. I can't stop staring at the way she walks and smile. That damn blue dress! Ben and Oli were checking her out and she was looking at them. But her eyes were avoiding mine. I don't know why but for some reason it annoyed me.


GEE's pov

When Mr. Jerk asked me to bring coffee i already know that he has guests. But i didn't expect them to be this charming...

"Well hello! Thanks for the coffee. Let us introduce ourselves. I'm Ben and this is Oli. It's a pleasure to meet you" Ben said while he shook hands with me.

"Hi. I'm Grace. Nice to you see you Mr. Ben..." i said awkwardly as I didn't know his full name.

"Come on, pretty girls like you can call me by my nickname. No formalities. Besides, we will be working together often after this. So it will be better if we get comfortable with each other." Oli said while winking at me.

They are very jovial and smiled warmly. I can't help it but I genuinely like them. At least this office is not bad as i thought it would be.

"Hmmm.. thanks.."

"Jul since when you allowed teenagers to work here. Gracey, you looked not one day older than 18. Have you finished your collage?" It was Ben.

"Woah... What? I'm not 18.. I got my degree in Business 2 years ago you know!" I can't help but giggle at the way they try to hit on me. They are very funny.

"Really? I can't believe it! How old are you Gracey?" Oli asked me.

"I'm 26."

"Oohhh.. nice.. very nice. How about.." before Ben can complete his sentence someone interrupted.

"Ehemmm.." he the one I'm trying so hard to ignore made some noise from his throat. For a second i forgot he was there. But him being him wouldn't let that happen, Mr. Nobody ignores me.

JJJ's pov

"There will be no coequetting in this office Miss Emerson. Let me gove you a proper introduction. Guys, this is Miss Grace Emerson, my PA... Miss Emerson, this is Mr. Benjamin Hudson, our company lawyer and Mr. Oliver Lane, my business partner. There are my close friends and that's all you need to know. You will address them as Mr. Hudson and Mr. Lane using their surname only as a form of respect. Moreover, next time its advisable that you don't flirt with every guys you see, at least not in my office, you got me?" I snapped at her more harshly than i intended.

"Yes sir." She left quickly without looking at me. Her face was red with embarrassment. Why did i raised my voice at her like that? I didn't meant to do that. I can't control myself from snapping at her cause I'm still irritated by the smile and look she gave Oli.

Did she find him handsome??

Ben and Oli were staring at me like i have grown 2 heads. Obviously, they felt humiliated too.

Shit.. what have i done?

"Bro, what is wrong with you? This is how we normally talk to our employees. Why did you enraged like that? What happened to your 'office should be a fun place to work' phrase?" asked Ben.

"That was rude bro. Even to your secretary. The girl from your office in London practically proposed to me in front of you and you laughed it off but now a simple giggle and you infuriate like that. What the hell bro..."

"Oli was right. What are you thinking. You not only assault her character but ruined our reputation too you know."

"Guys, I'm sorry. I was just annoyed at something..." I said warily.

"You said you were fine just minutes ago.."

"Stop it Ben. I said I was sorry." They scowled at me and turned abruptly.

"I think I'll go and apologize to her."

"Yeah, I'll go with you Oli. Let's go."

"Wait guys. There is no need for that. I'll talk to her. If anyone who have to apologize to her, it's me.. I'm the one overreacted and to be blamed. I'll deal with it later. Let's talk business for a while, alright?"

They hesitated and looking at each other.

"Please guys. We got 2 new contracts this week. Aren't you two interested?"

They came back into the cabin and sat with me at my table. We discussed some stuff about my current interests. They just nodded to what i say even though i can feel there are so many arguments lurking but they look distracted and not in the mood for bickering. They are clearly still irritated by what happened.

I feel bad. I shouldn't have overreacted like that. I didn't let Oli to apologize to her too because i can't stand the thought that he will alone with her in that cabin and especially not after the smile she gave him and denied me.

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