11- Against the wall 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

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GEE's pov

"Grace, why don't you try to get away from me now..."

I suddenly got really nervous when he said that.

What did he meant by that remark?

I slowly started to take a step behind while he was advancing on me with a predatory look. I didn't beg, didn't deny, didn't try to look for any help. I'm ready to face consequences. It might help me to quit from here.

Even though I'm a little scared, I'm intrigued to see what he will do. So, i backed away until my back was against a wall.

Ooppss.. no escape now.. What should i do?? Will he hit me? He doesn't look like that kind of a guy.. Maybe he will kiss me... Like in the movies...

I was so indulged in my thoughts that i didn't realize he tripped on something and fell on me...

Woahhhh.. what just happened??

He was all over me. I could feel his body, his breath on my neck and his cologne filled my nose. Hmmm.. he smell so good..What brand is that?? My face was at his neck while my stupid hands were on his... waist. I have to control this stupid urge to not to breathe him anymore. It's very distracting...
His palms were on the wall just above my shoulders. I can feel his raising heart beat. How is he feeling? Why is he moving away? Why did i want him to stay like this a little longer? Or forever....

Forever? What are you thinking Gracey?

We stood like that for a few seconds looking at each other in shock.... And...


We came out of the trance, by that sound and were shocked to find Ben who was gaping at us from the door. Julien immediately detached himself from me and went to stand near Ben.

"Miss Emerson, please comfirm my meetings for today and don't forget about the dinner..."

"What dinner?" I asked him stupidly.

"That dinner... You know.... The dinner.... with... Ahmmmm.. with.. the dinner with Mr. Charles to discuss business."

Did Mr. Julien Jabberwocky just stammered? Wow! This is very funny. You should have seen his expressions. He is behaving like we were caught on act while doing something dirty whereas all these have been an accident!

"Didn't you had dinner with Mr. Charles yesterday?" Asked Ben with a sly grin.

"I must have forgotten it then..you know... I'm very busy nowadays.. i have to get back to work.. Excuse me.." Julien disappear from my cabin just like that.

I don't know what to say to Ben. Will he believe i say it's not what it looked like and it's all an accident? No... Probably not.. he will think I'm giving excuses like Mr. Jerk.
So I kept my mouth and stare at him stupidly.

He just whistled and got out of my cabin.

Ben's pov

After the surprisingly entertaining show just now, i left the assistant whose face redden like a tomato and was looking so innocent like a baby... Poor baby... But this baby act won't work on me... but i chased my real victim for more... entertainment..

I still can't believe my eyes.. was that Julien? The Julien i know since collage? We have always been together. We are considered to be the most eligible bachelors in our circle. We have always been single except for Oli. He was in a relationship 2 years ago and they broke up. I'm a well known play boy wherever i go. I have been in a few relationships, nothing serious. We both know the rules and we enjoy each other's company while we can. That's my simple life. Julien has always been distant where women are concerned. We are not ready for life time commitment. Maybe we will never be ready... Who knows if we met 'the one' we might change our notions.

No shit... Not gonna happen..

He was sitting on his chair when i open his cabin door... His body looked tense, his eyes staring at his laptop screen while his fingers rolling a pen in circular motion. I looked like he was just trying to concentrate on something but failing.

"So.... You want to talk about that?"


"Bro, imagine the gossip it could have caused if someone else caught you two together... And what happened to 'no canoodling in office'? What's more with your PA? What are you..."

"Look Ben, nothing i repeat NOTHING happened, alright.. stop this drama... It's not what it's looked like... I fell on her" He cut me off his eyes murderous.

"You know the correct word should be.. you fell for her" i said chuckling.

"Cut the crap bro.. she is a secretary. There is nothing else between us. Besides, affairs always complicate business."

"Okay.. what about a relationship?"

"What's the difference, Mr. Benjamin Hudson?"

"Oh i can find a few contrasts, Mr. Julian Joshua Javion... Like being rude to your girl in front of others in order to NOT show that you are possessive of her.. how about that for an example?"

"I was not possessive.." he denied profusely.

"So.." i cut him off. "You don't mind if I asked her out?"

"Why?" He almost bark at me.

So... Let's play a game Mr. I'm not possessive.

"I like her. She is quite desirable.."

"Ben, you barely knew her.." his tone started to get louder.

"Yeah bro... that's why i want to get to know her better." I shrugged.

"But.. but.. u can't do that.." he stuttered.

I have never in my life have seen Julien stutter. I guess everything has a start...

"And why is that?" I asked him seriously raising my eyebrows.

"Because she is mi... I mean my assistant... I can't let her get distracted in office.."

I'm 100% sure that he wanted to say "she is mine" but he will not admit that, not that easily.. ok bro let's see how resilient you are..

"Bro, I'm only going to ask her for dinner. Not during working hours. Besides, she is efficient enough to keep her personal and professional life seperated. After all we all are adults... And she is a very sexy adult.." i smirked.

"The answer is still NO. You will not ask her out.. you will flirt with her.. and you will only approach her for work... Your relationship with her strictly will be on professional basis only..  Do you hear me?"

"Fine... Chill bro... When did you start to talk like that to me? Look... I just don't want to miss a good woman. That's all.... But anyways .. I'll take my leave now."

I existed his office.. I'm actually quite disappointed and hurt when he use that tone with me. But he looked like he will hit my face if i use the wrong words.. so i just gave up trying to elevate his anger...Julien never minded anything where I'm concerned.. even when we once lost a contract because of me he didn't say anything except to buy me a brandy. This Julien is very new to me. What happened to change him in two days? Where did all the possession came from? Did she feels the same? I need to find out more... I want him to be happy no matter with whom.

Maybe I'll do the Annoying Mr. Jovian Campaign again when i have back up.. i thought about calling Oli than decided against it...

Maybe that's enough for today...

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