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'It's nice to meet you, I'm Narcissa Black.'
'I'm Alyssa Granger.'
'Granger? Is that a muggle name?'
'Yes, I'm muggleborn.'
A few gasps were heard from her fellow Slytherins. Lucius Malfoy scowled,
'Filthy little mudblood! You don't belong in Slytherin with us.'
'Malfoy!' Narcissa frowned at him.
'Cissy, it's true- she's a mudblood.'
Alyssa simply rolled her eyes at Lucius and Bellatrix's comments.
'Nothing I haven't heard before,' she replied with an unbothered shrug.

The other Slytherins mostly ignored her after hearing her heritage, however Narcissa and her sister Andromeda made pleasant conversation with her which she was rather grateful for although she wasn't too bothered about making friends. She had Luna and they'd be leaving soon anyway.

Meanwhile, Luna returned to the Gryffindor table after receiving the mirror from Alyssa. It was a communicating mirror of sorts, you spoke the name of someone else in possession of a mirror- so in her case, Alyssa- and it would connect with theirs. Almost like a FaceTime call.

Luna took her seat back next to Lily, clearly oblivious to the many eyes on her. Lily cleared her throat,
'Urm so you're friends with the other transfer girl- Alyssa was it?'
'Oh yes. We're really good friends, shame we're not in the same house.'
'Yeah, that's sad. So you're in 5th year?'
'Yes, Lyssa is in 6th though.'
The marauders, who sat opposite the girl's then decided to engage in the conversation. Sirius broke in,
'Pity you can't be friends anymore.'
'What do you mean?'
'Well she's a Slytherin...' He said this in a way that suggested just this statement was self explanatory.
'All Slytherins are bad,' James added.
Lily scowled at them,
'That's not true Luna,'
'What about Snivellrus?'
'That's Severus, James.'
'Well Severus and Alyssa are different people. Plus he might not be bad.'
'Sorry Loony, but he most definitely is.'
'Sirius! Stop being rude.' Lily said.
'Sorry Loony,' he smirked.
'My name is actually Luna, sorry if you didn't catch that. Were you distracted by the Nargles. Don't worry, I can help.'

To the hall's great amusement- especially the marauders- Luna reached into her pocket and pulled out a pair of weird homemade glasses and put them on with a happy smile.
'They're Spectrespecs, they help me see the Nargles.' She then stood up and started grabbing and swatting thin air
Saying things like, 'you're not getting away that easy' and 'haha! Got you.'
Most people were laughing at her and Sirius now stared at her like she was completely mad.

Across the hall, Alyssa rolled her eyes, used to her friends antics. The Slytherins sniggered at her and then stared at Alyssa as if to say, 'your friend is mad.' She personally preferred to put it as being different or having a colourful mind.

Luna took a seat and turned to Sirius,
'Can you hear me better now?'
He stared at her incredulously and murmured 'nutter' to which she smiled.
'I was just saying that not all Slytherins are bad. They just have a bad reputation.' Sirius glares at her,
'All Slytherins are bad though.'
'Well then. All Blacks are Voldemort supporters or deatheaters so you must be too.'
'Wha- no that's different.'
'How exactly is it different? All I'm saying is don't judge someone before you get to know them. You have never met Alyssa in your life and yet you're judging her on a school house. Do you realise how ridiculous that is?'
'I- shut up Loony.' Sirius glared at her and turned to reface his friends.

Peter looked surprised and his eyes kept flickering between the two. James scowled at Luna, clearly agreeing with Sirius, and Remus looked quite amused by Sirius's embarrassment. Lily on the other hand was positively beaming.
'I completely agree- nice analogy, I think we're going to get on well!'
'I do hope so. You seem rather nice.'

That night, Alyssa called Luna using the mirrors.
'Luna Lovegood.'
'Oh hello Lyssa.'
'Hey Luna.'
'How is the Slytherin place?'
'Meh, I prefer Gryffindor but is ok.'
'I prefer Ravenclaw.'
'I was thinking.'
'That's never a good thing.'
'Sorry! I'm okay kidding. What were you thinking then Lyssa?'
'Firstly, cast a muffling harm around your bed and draw the curtains so we can talk in private.'
'Great! Okay so what if we destroy the horcruxes?'
'What are horcruxes?'
'Shit- I forgot we never told you. Basically, Voldemort made horcruxes, that's why we couldn't kill him fully because he basically ripped his soul apart and put different parts into different object. Me, Mione, Harry and Ron were hunting horcruxes and destroying them. But if we find and destroy them now, then Voldemort will be a mere mortal and we can kill him. We can grow up in a Voldemort free world! All those people don't have to die.'

'That's sick, he ripped his soul apart? Ugh. Well I think that's a good idea. Lily seems really nice- I don't want her to die and maybe Daddy won't die either. But what about the whole domino effect, if we do this then we probably won't even know our best friends in the future, we might not even exist! Is it worth it?'
'Yes! I think it is if we can all grow up with normal lives and all those people won't be dead. They'll be alive!'
'I guess you're right. Where do we start? Do you know what all the horcruxes are?'
'Yes I do. But I think we should start by saving people. Regulus is meant to die this year for example- we can't let that happen. You're in his year, try and befriend him and steer him away from getting involved with Voldemort and the death eaters. I'll try to work on Narcissaand Bellatrix.'
'Are you sure? I mean after what Bellatrix did to you, can you cope with chatting to her and not killing her?'
'I'll be fine. She's not who she was then. We can stop her becoming that.'
'Alright then. The marauders don't really like you by the way.'
'I figured as much. They hate all Slytherins. Think they're all bad.'
'Try not to start a fight with them.'
'I won't. But if they start a fight with me it's not my fault.'
'Agreed. See you tomorrow?'
'Yeah. Love you, goodnight.'
'Love you too.'

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