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The old house from Harry's other dream was shown.
'Let me see it again.'

A sleeve was rolled up and a marking of a skull and snake in on the arm.

'Ah shit this doesn't look good.' Peter stressed.

'Ah yes, the time is close now. Harry! At last! Step aside Wormtail so I can give our guest a proper greeting!'

'Oh dear. What am I doing now.' Peter groaned.

Harry woke up. The floorboards were creaking, someone walking up to his bed. It was Neville.
'You alright Harry? I just got in. Me!'
He chuckled and danced off.

'Aw he's such a sweetheart.' Lily awed.

Harry, Alyssa and Hermione stood on the bridge outside of Hogwarts.
'Harry you told us you'd figured the egg out weeks ago. The task is two days from now.'
'You really don't have much time.'
'Really? I had no idea. I suppose Viktor's
already figured it out.'
'I wouldn't know, we didn't actually talk about the tournament. Actually we didn't really talk at all, Viktor's more of a physical being.'

'Sorry?' Sirius blinked in confusion.
'Viktor's what now?'

'Um...what? Mia?'
'Not like that Ali! I just mean he's not particularly...Mostly he watches me study. It's a bit annoying actually. You are trying to figure this egg out aren't you?'
'What's that supposed to mean?'
'I mean these tasks are supposed to test
you, in the most brutal way they're almost cruel. And um, I'm scared for you. You got by the dragon mostly on nerve, I'm not sure it's going to be enough this time.'
'In other words, she thinks you should try harder cos you're getting nowhere.' Alyssa summed up.

'You put it so nicely.'
'I try.' Alyssa shrugged modestly.

'Thanks for that Lyss, I think I preferred how Mione put it. Don't suppose you know how Cedric's doing, Lyss?'
'He's figured it out- don't know how though, he wouldn't tell me. Probably thinks I'd just run and tell you.'
'Wouldn't you?' Hermione asked.
'Yeah, obviously, but that's besides the point.'

'At least you're a loyal friend.' Lily shrugged.
'Well I'd rather Harry not die.' Alyssa nodded.

'Great, if Cedric's figured it out, I'd guess so has everyone else.' Harry groaned.
'Speak of the devil.' Alyssa raised her eyebrow.
The other two looked over to see Cedric walking over.

'Hey Potter.'
'How are you?'
Harry looked at h in disbelief before stating sarcastically,

Sirius snorted at his answer.

'Look I realise I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons.'
'Forget about it. I'm sure you would have done the same for me.'
'Exactly. You know the prefects bathroom on the fifth floor?'
Harry nodded.

'Where's this going?' Marlene frowned.

'It's not a bad place for a bath. Just take your egg and mull things over in the hot water.'

'I-sorry? Did Cedric just hit on Harry?' Marlene said in shock.
'I never saw it coming but it makes so much sense!' Sirius exclaimed.
'All the love tropes they fit, academic rivalry- opposing quidditch team seekers, competing in a contest against each other, forbidden romance- they're meant to be competing and Cedric's friends hate Harry, and then of course, both in love with the same girl- Cho- but then they realise they've actually just been in love with each other all along, there's an age difference too! And the hufflepuff golden boy with the famous chosen one who everyone keeps hating. They're so meant to be!' Marlene listed excitedly.

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