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'Can we find out who your parents are now?' James asked excitedly making all the others nod too. Alyssa shrugged,
'Maybe we should wait til tomorrow or until we finish watching the other years.'
'No! I wanna know now, come on Lyss.' Sirius pleaded.

'Let's at least see if you've got the memory?' Andy suggested as a compromise.
Alyssa frowned but picked up her bag from the floor, pointing her wand put it before saying,
'Accio memories.'
A bag flew out into her hand and she put it onto the sofa, the vials inside making a tinkering noise as they clashed against each other.

She opened the bag, emptying out the vials and them sitting back.
'I guess if Dumbledore had it then it would be in one of these- they're mostly labelled so...'

The others all excitedly began sorting through the vials, searching for the right one.
Luna hung back next to Alyssa,
'Are you okay, Lyss?'
'Yeah, fine, I just...ever since I found out I was adopted, all I wanted to do was to find out who were my parents. But now that I actually might be able to...I don't know.'
'If you don't want to know then we don't have to watch the memory.' Luna reassured her, 'it's fine to not be ready now and it's fine if you're never ready too.'
'Everyone seems to really want to know now, but the fact that it might be someone here means that I've met my mum or my dad...it's crazy to think about it.'
'I can't imagine not knowing who my parents were all my life, but this doesn't change anything anyway Lyss. Mr and Mrs Granger are still your parents and Hermione is still your sister- you just have another set of parents too.'
'Thanks Luna.'

'Found something!' Bella yelled out.
'What? No! I had that first, you snatched it off me.' Sirius argued angrily.
'You snooze you lose canine.'
'Hey! Moony! Bella stole the memory off me.' Sirius turned to Remus making Bella scoff,
'How old are you? I can't believe you just told on me.'
'Pads, who cares who found the memory?'
'I do!' Sirius and Bella both yelled.

'Well I'm the one holding it.' Bella argued.
'I'm the one who found it.' Sirius countered.
Lily grabbed it from Bella's hand,
'Well now I have it.'

Lily turned the vial over in her hand, reading off the label,
'A.Granger 3.'
'3?' Regulus frowned.
'As in third memory?' Pandora asked, 'does that mean he took more of your memories?'
'That sneaky motherfucking bastard!' Marlene glared.
'Search for more.' Xeno suggested and they all went back to sorting through the memories.

After another minute or so, Regulus called out,
'Found one! "A.Granger 1."'
'I've found one too- "A.Granger 2."' Frank announced.

'What do you think they are?' Barty asked Alyssa who was glancing nervously between the three vials.
'I don't know...'
'Let's look!' Evan exclaimed making Alyssa frown,
'Maybe we should watch them later...I mean, what if they're spoilers or something?'
'Why don't you want to know who your parents are?' Evan asked her in confusion.
'I just-I don't think...'
'Come on Lyss.' Sirius begged.
She opened her mouth to protest again but then sighed and nodded,

'Yes!' James grinned.

'Which one shall we watch first?' Barty asked.
'I don't know Barty, can you count? What comes first, one, two or three?' Regulus rolled his eyes.
'Shut up Reg.'

'I think we watch 3 first!' Sirius exclaimed.
'Wow, so you really can't count.' Regulus said making Sirius glare back at him,
'3 will probably the memory Dumbledore took just then when Barty told Lyss her parents so we should watch this one now.'
'That's actually valid reasoning.' Remus admitted.

'So you think we should watch 3, 2 then 1?' Marlene clarified.
'What? No, you idiot, 3,1 then 2.' Sirius corrected him in disbelief.
'Ah, my bad, I'm so stupid.'
'Yeah, you really are...you also have a bad haircut, just saying.'
'Bit rich coming from someone who cuts their hair like you, oh wait, you don't even cut your hair.'
'I guess homeless man is the new trendy aesthetic.'
'I don't look homeless bitch, I'm literally so hot, I should be arrested for looking so sexy.'
'Wow, being a arrested for a crime you didn't commit...deja vu anyone?'

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