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'Luna.' Alyssa grabbed her arm when she walked out into the corridor  past the Fat Lady, 'c'mon.'
Luna obediently followed her to the ROR which was currently Alyssa's old bedroom from the past, well future.
'Are you okay Lyssa?'
'Yeah I'm fine but I think we need to tell the others now so we can start hunting horcruxes.'
'That's probably a good idea, shall we tell them the truth tomorrow?'
'I think that's a good idea. We can send them each a letter saying we need to meet them by the ROR.'
'Most of them won't know what it is though. We should probably just say to meet by the 7th floor corridor.'
'Great point Luna, that's a good idea.'

'Thanks, will we tell them everything?'
'That's probably the best idea; I've sorted through mine and the others memories and I think we just show them our whole Hogwarts experience in order of when we found out things and hopefully they agree to help.'
'If they don't we can always obliviate them.' She said in an eerily calm voice.
'Uh Yes, I guess so. By the way, it might be best for you to speak to Evan and Barty in person as they might not come otherwise. I also doubt Snape will come so I think we might have to talk to him.'

'Sounds like a plan. Let's write the letters now shall we!' Luna beamed.

They sat for about 10 minutes, writing all the letters. They eventually decided to write each letter like this:

Dear _____,

We really need to speak to you. I know you don't know us that well but it's important. Can you please meet us tomorrow at 4pm on the 7th floor corridor. Sorry for the late notice and if you're not going to go, please find one of us and let us know.


Luna Lovegood and Alyssa Granger

It was rather vague an generally not the best letter they could of written, but they figured it would serve the purpose.
They went up to the tower and gave the letters to some of the school owls telling them to deliver the ones to the recipient's bed in their dorms.

They then went outside and relaxed and read for the rest in the day.

Evan, Barty and Regulus we're heading up to their common room.
'Ugh! Remind me never to agree to watching quidditch practice. I'm fucking frozen.' Barty complained.
'Don't be dramatic! It wasn't that cold- more refreshing.' Regulus argued.
'Um refreshing?! Seriously? I'm surprised we didn't die of frostbite.' Evan said and Barty nodded.

'You guys are such wusses.'
'Wuss are proud.'
'I second that.'
'Honestly. Let's go to the dorm.'

When they got there, they were all surprised to see a letter in each of the three of them's beds. They all went to open them. Evan scanned it with a frown and looked at the others.
'Did you get the same as this?' He said whilst chucking his to Barty who nodded and passed it to Regulus who repeated the action.

'Huh. I wonder what this is about.' Barty said. Regulus though out loud,
'Must be about the plan.'
'Plan?' Evan asked.
'Oh don't worry. Just some plan those two came up with that they need me and the other Blacks to get on for.'
'Cool, what's it about?'
'I don't know. Something to do with defeating You-Know-Who I think. They were talking about how Bellatrix should switch sides and it's not too late so I presume it concerns him.'
'Woah. They can't honestly think a bunch of school kids can take him down. Plus we're deatheaters already.'
'I think they know it wasn't by choice.'
'They seem to know a lot.'
'Yeah. I'm going to go.'
'I'll come.'
'Me too.'
And then they started talking about something else.

When the Black sisters received their letters, they figured it was something to do with the plan so they were happy to go.

The marauders were less sure, however Sirius convinced them to go and told them about the ROR which pretty much sealed the deal as they were so excited about seeing it and didn't know how to work it on their own.

Lily, Marlene and Alice shared a form with Luna and so they just asked her what it was about and she said it was important and they agreed easily enough as they were curious to hear what it was about.

Xenophilius and Pandora had no clue what it was about as they had barely talked to Alyssa it Luna, however they were happy to go.

Frank was extremely confused as he had barely said one word to Luna and he had never even properly met Alyssa, however he decided he would go after Alice told him that she got a letter too.

Snape was the only person who showed no interest in it. He was very suspicious of those two girls. He figured it was some ridiculous prank and he was not going to fall for it. Well that was until he overheard Regulus and his two friends talking about it quietly in the corner of the common room. He went to talk to them.

'Excuse me, Black, Rosier, Crouch.'
'Oh. Um hey Snape.'
'I got an invite to that meet up you were just talking about.'
'Oh did you? Cool, we thought it might just be us. It makes more sense that there are other people there too.'
'Are you going then?'
'Of course! Are you not going Snape?'
'Well I figured it was just a prank but if you're all invited too then I guess it's not. So yeah. See you there.'
'See you.' Evan called as he walked away before saying in a quieter voice,
'Don't you think inviting Snape is a bit weird? I mean they don't seem to line him do they?'
'Maybe he's key in their "plan".'
'I guess so. Anyway I'll see you tomorrow. We can walk over their together after lessons.'
'Sounds good.'

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