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The ceiling of the Great Hall reflected the snowy sky, snow falling over all the tables. The students sat at the far end of the tables, while Ron, Harry, and Alyssa sat a ways away from everyone. Hermione walked down with a plate full of sweets.
'Everything's set. We just need a bit of who you're changing into.'
'Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy.'

'Ew that's disgusting.' Cissa cringed.

'We also need to make sure that the real Crabbe, Coyle, and Pansy can't burst in on us while we're interrogating Malfoy.'

'That would be bad.' Andy agreed.

'I've got it all worked out. I filled these with a simple sleeping draught I made. Simple, but powerful. Now, once they're asleep, hide them in the broomstick cupboard, and pull out a few of their hairs, and put on their uniforms.'

'She really is very smart.' Regulus commented, impressed by Hermione's intelligence.
'And scary. I can't believe you're drugging other students so casually.' Xeno laughed.

'Whose hair are you ripping out, then?'
'I've already got mine. Millicent Bulstrode. Slytherin. I got this off her robes.'

Alyssa snorted, much to the confusion of everyone else.

'I'm going to check on the Polyjuice Potion. Make sure that Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy find these.'

The statue of a past Headmaster was seen, Ron, Alyssa and Harry coming around from behind it. Ron took his wand and cleared his throat, before Harry stopped him.
'Ron, maybe, I should do it.'
'Yeah. Right.'
'Windgardium Leviosa.'

The three cakes floated upwards and the doors were heard opening, making the three hide behind the statue, Alyssa muttering under her breath,
'There's no way they'll fall for this.'

'They'd have to be complete idiots to fall for that.' Frank scoffed.

Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy came out of the Great Hall, the first two with their arms filled with food and the latter slightly behind them, rolling her eyes at them in mild disgust. Crabbe and Goyle saw the three floating cakes.

They grabbed a cake each and started eating them. Harry and Ron looked at each other with smiles whilst Alyssa frowned as she focused her gaze on Pansy.

Pansy yelled at them,
'What are you doing!' And reached to stop them but it was too late.

'Well she didn't fall for it.'
'No shit Sherlock.' Alyssa scoffed back to Remus who rolled his eyes.
'Bellatrix Black I swear to fucking God.'
'What is G-'

After a few seconds the two Slytherins stopped and fell asleep, Pansy's eyes widening as she backed away from them before turning and racing away down the corridor.

'Well that's just super.' James groaned as the others looked slightly nervous.

'Great.' Alyssa sighed. 'You deal with them and I'll get Parkinson.'

'"Deal with Parkinson", that sound ominous.' Barty commented.

She grabbed the remaining cake from the air before running down the corridor in the direction Pansy went.

'Oh no, what are you going to do?' Alice half covered her face with her hands.

The other two turned to the unconscious Slytherins and Ron scoffed,
'How thick could you get?'
'Come on, let's get them.'

'What idiots.' Sirius barked in laughter, 'who eats cakes floating in the air.'
'Pansy didn't fall for it.' Lily noted and Remus nodded,
'Guess she's not a complete idiot.'

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