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The next morning, Hedwig was sat on a chair.
'Harry, wake up! Come on, wake up!'
He rose from Harry's bed and dashed down to the common room to meet Ron.

'Yay, it's Christmas!' Xeno grinned.

'Happy Christmas, Harry.'
'Happy Christmas, Ron. What are you wearing?'
'My mum made it. Looks like you've both got one, too.'

'Aw, that's so sweet! She doesn't even know him and she's giving him a present.' Alice awed and Lily and James made mental notes to thank her later.

'I've got presents?'

Everyone was silent with sadness for a minute. Andy muttered,
'That's so sad.'
'This time round we'll be sure to buy him lots of presents.' Lily decided.
'Don't give him too many or he may turn into his cousin.' Barty said but shut his mouth at Lily's glare.

'Yeah. There they are.'
Harry rushed to his presents excitedly, grabbing the biggest one.
'"Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well."'
The two of them look at each other confused.

'Is that what I think it is?' James said excitedly. Sirius replied,
'If it is then it's going to expose all our pranking secrets.'
'Oh shit.' James gasped in realisation and the others stared at the marauders with intrigue whilst Luna commented,
'I wonder who gave it to him.'
She knew what it was but she had never been told who gifted it to Harry.

Harry opened the package, revealing a rather large piece of fabric. He unfolded it before him and looked at it.
'What is it?'
'Some kind of cloak.'
'Well, let's see, then. Put it on.'

The marauders stared grinning to everyone's- except the future duo-  confusion.

Harry put the cloak on, only for his body to disappear.
'My body's gone!'
'I know what that is. That's an invisibility cloak.'

'I love that thing.' James sighed. Everyone turned to face him in awe. Frank asked,
'You have an invisibility cloak.'
'I guess the secret's out, but yea.'
'Wow! That's so cool- aren't they really rare.' Andy said, gaining a nod from James.
'Is that how you prank everyone constantly then and sneak out without getting caught.' Marlene queried and he nodded once more.

'I'm invisible?'
'They're really rare. Wonder who gave it to you.'
'There was no name. It just said..."Use it well."'

'Why do I feel as if he'll use it to cause trouble and put himself in more danger?' Bella said and Remus surprising agreed with her,
'I get that.'
Alyssa responded,
'Cos Harry's an idiot. I mean he's lovely bless him, but he has a knack for rushing headlong into problems without stopping to think first. One of the worse Gryffindor traits.'
'A true Gryffindor.' Luna agreed.

At night, Harry's hand was holding a lantern, walking under the cloak in the library. Harry was underneath it, scanning the shelves as he made their way to the restricted section.

Lily and Remus cursed respectfully and the other marauders grinned. James happily exclaimed,
'That's my son!' And Lily smacked his arm,
'Really James? You shouldn't encourage this, he should be enjoying his education not trying to solve a mystery about some three-headed dog!'

Evan commented,
'Well to be fair, he is in the library- if he's Potter's kid you should be grateful he's even reading.'
James frowned slightly,
'I can't tell whether that's an insult of a compliment but if it was a compliment then thank you and you should all listen to Rosier.'
Evan snorted and Lily groaned. Regulus suddenly said,
'Evans I think that's the first time you've called Potter James.'
There was a moment of silence as they thought about this observation before Lily spluttered,
'W-what, no I didn't. I called him Potter, you must of misheard me.'
Sirius gave a dog-like bark of laughter,
'Nope! Dear Reggie is right, oh Prongsie I'm so proud of you!'

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