Patronus times three

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Alyssa and Luna settled in well over the next weeks, they maintained a straight O average in lessons and researched time travel in their spare time.
Luna has become good friends with Lily Evans, Alice Fortescue and Marlene McKinnon despite the three being slightly concerned about the weird creatures she seems convinced exist. They shared a dorm and so got on well- this is who Luna spent her time with when she wasn't with Alyssa. She was also close with a muggleborn named Jenny Banks in her own year and they often sat together in lessons.
Alyssa had become closer with Julian Wood and the two went flying together regularly and got on very well despite their different houses. She didn't chat with the Black sisters too much as they still viewed her as a 'mudblood' along with the rest of her house. She did however because friends with a half-blood called Sam Wright and a pureblood called Ryleigh Greengrass- coincidentally one of her future best friends' mum.Whilst she was a pureblood, she didn't seem to have a problem with Alyssa being muggleborn.

They had DADA and their teacher decided to 'change things up' with a new seating plan which Alyssa was very mad about because she had been by Ryleigh last time.
'Okay everyone!' Professor Grant silenced everyone, 'I'm going to put you in your new seats.'
He drones on for a while before putting everyone into pairs and assigning desks
'Granger and McKinnon.'
Her head snapped up at my name, she was by one of Luna's Gryffindor friends- Marlene. She sat down at the desk near the back of the room and Marlene sat next to her.

Marlene had dirty blond hair which fell in waves to her shoulders and pretty sea blue eyes that rather resembled her own. She wore deep purple lipstick and large silver twisted hoop earrings. Her tie was on loosely around her neck and she smelt faintly of smoking and firewhiskey.

Marlene knew of Alyssa through the fact she was a sixth year transfer- very rare- one of Luna's closest friends, extraordinarily beautiful, a highly skilled witch, and Sirius and James kept ranting about how annoying she was. Marlene hadn't come to an opinion of what she was like yet because the two had never engaged in a conversation which was anything more than a word. She figured this would be a good chance to get to know her as she seemed to be a great friend to Luna so she hoped they would get along too.

Sirius and James has made her out to be a sneaky Slytherin bitch who is another future deatheater- then again, that wasn't surprising to Marlene as the two were highly prejudiced against all Slytherins. Luna, on the other hand, described her as an amazing, loyal friend who would die before joining Voldemort (she was shocked that Luna said his name so freely.) However, if they were good friends then she would be bound to stick up to Alyssa. She held back further judgment for after she got to know her.

She stuck her hand out to the girl,
'Hi! I'm Marlene McKinnon.'
'Alyssa Granger,' she smiled back warmly, seemingly glad that Marlene wasn't judging her by house.
'Cool! It's great to meet you properly- Luna always goes on about how nice you are.' She blushed slightly,
'Nice to meet you two. I think she's the nice one, though she can be scary when she's in a temper.' The girl's laughed and the lesson began.

Alyssa zones out very soon after Professor Grant opened his mouth and her mind wondered to home and her old friends, probably all dead now, she thought bitterly to herself. Suddenly a foot kicked her hard under the table,
'Ow!' She gasped and Marlene widened her eyes meaningfully at the girl, jerking her head to the front. She turned to see the DADA Professor staring at her with a raised eyebrow and the rest of the room watching in amusement,
'Yes?' She asked meekly.
'Miss Granger I must ask you to concentrate during my lesson- did you even listen to what I just said? Can you answer the question I so rudely interrupted your daydreaming with?'
She stared him in the eye and used subtle and silent legitimacy before replying.

'You were talking about patronus' sir, and in answer to your question, there are two types of Patronuses: corporeal which means a Patronus with a particular shape and form and incorporeal Patronus. Incorporeal Patronuses have no particular shape and do not protect against dementors the way corporeal Patronuses do. This charm conjures a magical guardian, a projection of all your most positive feelings. The Patronus Charm is difficult, and many witches and wizards are unable to produce a full, corporeal Patronus, a guardian which generally takes the shape of the animal with whom they share the deepest affinity. You may suspect, but you will never truly know what form your Patronus will take until you succeed in conjuring it.' She recited to most people's amazement- especially the teacher who expected embarrassment, and Marlene, who saw how little she was paying attention.

'Well done! Textbook answer- I guess you were paying attention. And I don't suppose you have been taught this charm before have you?'
'I learnt it before I came to Hogwarts.'
'I see! Can everyone try to cast the spell now?'
Of course, the marauders got the spell first try- to everyone except Alyssa's surprise. Most other people got it after 10-15 tries, however some didn't manage at all.
Alyssa flicked her wand and cast the spell non-verbally. However luckily no one noticed because they were so caught up in the silver animals racing around the room.

However, when Alyssa waved her wand she was shocked when not only her usual fox flew out her wand, but an otter and a lynx flew out too. She gasped at seeing the patronus'. Her sister's and her boyfriend's.
'My goodness! Three patronus' my dear. How bizarre. Has this ever happened to you before?'
Most people turned to watch the conversation in intrigue.
'Um no, mine is the fox.'
'Well this rarely happens. They must be for your soul mate and someone you love in the purest and fullest way. That is the only explaination however it is very uncommon. Do you recognise them?'
She nodded mutely.
'Well this it certainly new! 10 points to everyone who produced a corporeal Patronus, and 15 to Alyssa who formed 3! Class dismissed.'

Alyssa packed her bag quickly, ignoring the curious looks she got.
'That's so cool that you got 3 patronus', I only just managed to form mine.'
Marlene chattered excitedly making Alyssa smile back. At least she is a good partner, Alyssa mused. Imagine if I got someone like Sirius. She pulled a face even at the thought.

'See you tomorrow Marlene.'
'Yeah! Bye Alyssa.'
The two walked in different directions not know that was the start to an amazing friendship.

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