First Lesson

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'Granger and Lupin.'

Great, Alyssa through to herself. Remus was one of her favourite professors and a great father figure to her, however, this was younger Remus who so far had done nothing to prove he wasn't just a bully.

She reluctantly walked to the designated work table and sat next to Remus. He looked nervously at her.
'Lupin,' she gave him a small smile.
He nodded in reply and turned his attention to getting his books and stuff out his bag.
'Okay! Today we will be making Amortentia, Can anyone tell me what this is? Yes Miss Evans?'
'Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them.'
'Textbook answer! Well done, 5 points to Gryffindor Miss Evans. This is a very advance potion but I believe you can do this if you have studied enough. You will work with your partners- off you go!'

Alyssa flicked open her potions book and turned to Remus,
'Shall I get the ingredients and you set up the cauldron?'
She walked to the Potions store cupboard and grabbed the necessary ingredients before bringing them back to her table. The two students worked quickly and quietly, they only talked when she needed to correct him or stop him making a mistake in the potion.

'Wait! It says to dice it, not rip it,' Remus stopped her, she ignored him,
'It's better if you rip it,' Alyssa explained the damage it did to it- she learnt this all from the Half Blood Prince's (Snape's) Potions book in 6th year. Remus looked sceptical, but he didn't argue as he didn't really want to get into a fight with her.

'Okay Class! 20 minutes left of the lesson so you should be done. I'm going to check all your potions quickly and then we'll go round the room and see what everyone smells!'
Slughorn then walked around the room giving quick comments to everyone. When he reached Lily and Snape's cauldron he beamed,
'Brilliant as usual, I assume you two will be attending the Slug Club this year?' The two nodded, Snape rather unenthusiastically and he kept going till he got to Alyssa and Remus.
'My word! One of the best potions I've seen- will you be attending the Slug Club?' Remus politely declined and he turned to Alyssa, 'Miss Granger?'
'No thank you sir.'
'Don't be modest! Come along, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!' Alyssa sighed, realising she wouldn't be able to get out of it.
'Okay, thank you.'

'Brilliant! Now we'll go around the class, if everyone could say what they can smell please. Miss Evans, we'll start with you.'
They went around the class, Alyssa was uninterested in what everyone smelt so she ignored it until it was her go.
'Miss Granger, what do you smell?'
She bent her head and sniffed the potion, it smelt amazing. Like everything she missed from back home.
'I smell...firewhiskey, cornish violets, burning wood, salt water, linen.' Alyssa inhaled it again, it smelt of her boyfriend. She smiled at the memories of him before remembering he was non-existent now.

'Very good! Do you recognise the smell?' Slughorn inquired.
'Yes.' She replied shortly, hoping he didn't ask who it smelt of.
He didn't and kept going around the class. Once the whole class went, he dismissed the class for break time.
'Before you go, 20 points to Gryffindor and Slytherin for Mr Lupin, Miss Granger, Mr Snape and Miss Evans.'

Alyssa left the classroom and went to the large oak tree in the middle of the school grounds to wait for Luna. She sat and read for a while until she was most unfortunately interrupted by the marauders.

'Oi Granger!' James shouted out.
'Yes,' she kept her eyes on her book.
'Look at me when I'm speaking to you.'
She looked up and raised her eyebrow.
'What are you doing all alone?'
'None of your business.'
'How rude, you don't want to get on the wrong side of us Granger.'
'By the looks of it, I already am based off the fact you hate all Slytherins.'
'Levicorprus,' Sirius shot a spell at her, but she quickly blocked it,
'Protego. Seriously guys, you're going to duel me because you don't like my school house?' She scoffed and James narrowed his eyes,
'I see you're already sucking up to the teachers- joining Slug club now?'
'Wanna trade? I have no interest in being in a stupid school club which a teacher made merely so he could make high up connections and interrogate students on their family.'
'What's wrong? Family a touchy subject for you?' Sirius sneered.
'Let's put it this way, it's worse than yours is just in a different way.'
'What do you know about my family?'
'More than you think but that's besides the point. I'm leaving, goodbye.'
'Rictusempra.' James called however Alyssa easily dodged this without magic
'A tickling charm? Really?' And she walked off in annoyance, wondering how on earth Harry and James were related.

'Hey Lyssa,' Luna ran up to her,
'Hey! How was Transfiguration?'
'Very easy. I've already done much more advanced magic.'
'Yeah, Potions was easy too.'

During Transfiguration

Everyone took a seat and Luna sat by Regulus before he could complain. He stared at her in confusion. A Gryffindor voluntarily sitting with a Slytherin was very unusual and he didn't even know this girl who waved at him happily.

'Attention everyone, if you can be quiet. Thank you. Okay! Today we will be looking at a vanishing charm. Vanishment is the magical art of vanishing objects i.e., causing object to cease to exist. Vanished objects go into non-being, which is to say, everything. It is one of the four branches of Transfiguration, and is the opposite of Conjuration, which brings objects into existence. Does anyone know the incantation for this charm?' McGonagall asked.

A few people raised their hands, Luna included.
'Miss Lovegood.'
'Envanesco.' She said dreamily.
'Correct. Now this is the wand movement.' She demonstrated the charm and the book in front of her disappeared. 'Who would like to have a go first? Anyone? Ah brilliant, thank you Miss Lovegood. Go ahead.'

Luna flicked her wand and the stack of books in front of her disappeared. Everyone gaped at her.
'20 points to Gryffindor for getting the charm first time and non-verbally! Everyone else have a go.'

The room was soon filled by the loud chanting of Evanesco and Luna blinked a couple times before turning to her partner. Regulus was staring at her
somewhat with interest.
'You can do non-verbal magic?'
'Yes, I learnt it last year when the deatheaters were after me.' Luna said bluntly and Regulus's eyes widened,
'Deatheaters were after you?'
'Yes, they got me too.'
'Really? You got away then I assume,' he couldn't help being intrigued by the blonde girl who acted as if deatheaters coming after her was a daily occurrence
'Yes. Alyssa and her friends saved me.'
'The Slytherin transfer- Granger?'
'That's right.'
'I'm sorry that happened to you.'
'It's not your fault. Deatheaters aren't very nice- they're the reason me and Lyssa had to come here.'
'Let's get back to work shall we.'
'Right. Evanesco,' the book flickered but didn't fully vanish.
'Try and flick your wand more sharply, make the movement more defined.' Luna advised and he tried again.
'Evanesco!' This time it disappeared.
'Well done!'
'Thanks Lovegood,'
'No problem.' And she flicked her wand again, disappearing their table.

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