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Neville was walking down the corridor when two Slytherins shoved past him.
'Watch where you're going, Longbottom.'

Frank glowered as Lily frowned in annoyance.

They laughed as they walked away and Neville continued walking, frowning when a door appeared in the wall in front of him.

'Is that...' Cissa trailed off in surprise.
'Of course!' Remus exclaimed, 'that's the perfect place, Merlin I'm thick- why didn't I think of that.'
'What's happening?' James frowned in confusion.
Lily rolled her eyes,
'It's the ROR.'
'Oh, right, sorry I wasn't paying attention. Go Neville.'
She fought back a smile before rolling her eyes again.

They now all stood crowded in the room, gaping in awe.
'You've done it, Neville. You found the Room of Requirement.'
'The what?'
'It's also known as the Come and Go Room. The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has real need of it. And it's always equipped for the seeker's needs.'

'How does your sister know absolutely everything?' James asked Alyssa who shrugged,
'I've learnt to just accept it. I gave up questioning it years ago.'

'So say you really needed the toilet...'

Sirius snorted.

'Charming, Ronald. But, yes, that is the general idea.'
'It's brilliant. It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back.'

'Finally! Some excitement.' Reg said with a smile.
'Were the other years not exciting enough for you?' Lily asked sarcastically.
He shrugged,
'Was getting a bit dull to be honest.'
'Don't worry there's lots of action this year - lil bit of death too.' Alyssa yawned.
'Death?!' Alice exclaimed in horror.
'Who dies?' Sirius asked
'No one important.' She smirked back getting a look from Luna.

Lily gave her a reproachful look,
'You can't say that Lyss, everyone's important.'
'I dunno.' Marlene shrugged, 'I personally wouldn't be too fussed if Umbitch kicked it.'
'Or Voldemort.' James piped up.

There was a time skip and the whole DA stood in the ROR attempting to disarm a dummy.

'I'd be a pro at that.' James said smugly.
'Sure would buddy.' Marlene patted him on the arm patronisingly.
'You are a 7th year so it would be embarrassing if you struggled.' Remus pointed out.
'Yes but there's doing it and there's acing it. I'd ace it.' James insisted.

Neville stood at the front,
Nothing happened.
'I'm hopeless.'
'You're just flourishing your wand too much.' Harry advised, 'Try it like this. Expelliarmus.'
He successfully disarmed the dummy causing everyone to look impressed.

'Well I should hope he can do that spell, it seems to be the only one he's used for the entirety of Hogwarts.' Marlene pointed out.

'As much as I bully Harry, it's not like that spell is super easy, and he's pretty good at it.' Alyssa admitted before scrunching up her face in disgust, 'oh my god, I can't believe I just complimented the guy- what's become of me? So glad he wasn't here to hear that, I'd never live it down.'
Lily rolled her eyes with a smile.

They then sat in Umbridge's lesson.

'Oh fantastic.' Barty groaned.

'You will please copy the approved text four times to ensure maximum retention.'

'Oh yeah, cause that's the way to learn something.' Lily scoffed.

'There will be no need to talk.'

'Shocker.' Evan exclaimed.

'No need to think's more like it.'

'For real though.' Marlene nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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